The array of forums, subforums & groups we had before; all lined up in an easy to use, clear, coherent fashion were wonderful. It was easy to simply click on Community, The Flood, Halo 1 PC etc & it would all be there, in a standardized forum way. For me, at least, the way that the forums worked (i.e. as a catagorised thing, not like this tumblr/twitter thing we have now) was one of the key reasons that I kept flocking back to use BNet.
As I say, it looks great, it looks futuristic & it looks clean. However, it doesn't feel anywhere near as usable as BNet previously was. Perhaps I'm just reluctant to change.
I do love the tagging though, that aspect of this definitely works well.
Anybody agree? If so, what's your major gripes & likes?
I'm not sure how well the new forum setup will work. I'm not saying that this new setup does not have its merits. This is definitely a nifty new way to search for threads and I am glad they added it. However, I do feel that this would have been better if implemented with the old forum setup. Basically, have the forums look and work the way they did before, but add the hash tag ability to look for specific themes or as a sort of quick search. One of the reasons I came here was because of all the different types of threads the community would make. I would not come looking for anything specific, but just to see what the forums had to offer. There are subjects that I would never have thought to talk about, but some in the forums did and, after I say the thread, I would avidly wish to join in the conversation. Now, it seems that I have to know what I wish to talk about. It cuts off so many different topics from users, just because they may not think of them at the moment. This may take away from the experience of conversing with the community. I hope I am wrong, though.