Or is it the absence of color?
No, I don't mean the black Sharpie you use. I mean the black that occurs in nature. Like in space.
Edited by C80: 1/23/2013 1:04:21 AMBlack is a lack of light or colour. Derp, that isnt right, guy above is right.
Lack of light
Yeah, I'd say so.
Edited by THETiffany: 1/23/2013 1:06:02 AMIt depends on whether we're talking about pigment or light. In pigments (subtractive color), black is all colors together. In light (additive color), black is no light at all, thus not a color. White is the opposite for both. EDIT: I'm all mixed up today.
the color of water
Black is a shade.
Nope, it's a shade, much like how white is a tint.
Not only is it a color, it's the best color.
It's the absence of light. Black could be blue, red or even yellow but since there is no light reflected of it we see it as black. A shadow is not a color.
It depends on the type of color you're talking about. It terms of light color, it's obviously the absence of color. But if you put all the colors of the rainbow into one crayon, it makes black