originally posted in:Thee Warriors
Might be hard to revive this thread with the bungie.new format. But I'll try.
I think that if you make a wish, people can destroy it all they want in the sub thread, all new wishes can be new replies.
We'll see if it works.
Note: I found this game in the group "Council of the Sangheili".
This game is simple, you wish for something, I'll grant your wish, but corrupt it in some way, then I wish and so on.
I wish... I was rich
Granted, but you have to work on the corner to do it
I wish... for a copy of Halo 3
Someone else:
Granted, but the surpreme awesomeness of it makes your head explode
I wish... for a pet grunt
And so on.
I'll start:
I wish... I was a super action hero.
granted but now ur happy and u go insane and the cops kill u i wish i could do a barrel roll!
Granted, but mac goes out of buisness.... I wish I wasn't so sad....
granted but she is really a SQUIG lolol ok ill try to stop metroid i wish for dawn of war II to be for macs
Granted, but ti rips all of your iron out of your boday, and you die a horrible death. I wish I could hold my GF dear....
granted but i kill u i wish i didin't have to go to the dentist :(
Granted, but she then dumps you, because you lusted for it. I wish I had Magneto's powers. [Edited on 08.29.2008 7:54 AM PDT]
Granted, but people eat you becasue llama tastes great! I wish I could bang my GF....
granted but u die i wish to be a lama!
Granted, but your laptop fries. Wish wish my friend would be ridiculously happy so she would be annoying.
Granted, but then they're just too damn happy and thats even more annoying I wish red alert would load on my lap top
Granted, now it tastes like butt. I wish my friend would stop being depressed so I could go to bed.
Granted, but you can't go to it. I wish my mouth didn't taste like spices
Granted but it never ends. I wish school would start already...
Graned so he does only now he finds another way to annoy you n its much much worse i wish skool had not started yet for a few more weeks
Granted, but it's really you. I wish that you woulds stop with the squigs, really, it's getting annoying.
granted but they dont really exist, but i dont care they still eat u i wish a squig would eat metroid! LOL [Edited on 08.28.2008 7:07 PM PDT]
gRANTED, BUT IT JUST KILLS YOU. I wish that squigs were extinct.
granted but I WONT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL i wish for a pet squig that wouldn;t eat me [Edited on 08.28.2008 6:36 PM PDT]
Granted, but it's poison. I wisg you would stop with the damn squigs.
granted but spend it in a room with a squig...........and it eats UUU i wish for POPCORN
Granted, but it eats your family. I wish tonight would end faster.
Granted, but it actually melts, but rebuilds it's mass rapidly. which means it's ever expanding, and it crushes you. i wish for a pony.
granted but at the end of the day u die because of a....................SQUIG LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOL i wish for an unmelting ice cube
Granted, but you're actually radioactive and you die a horrible slow death. I wish I could spend the day with my GF.
Granted, but it's an ice cube, and it melts in your hand. I wish I could glow in the dark.
granted but in soviet russia crackers eat uuuuuu i wish for something cool