originally posted in:Thee Warriors
Might be hard to revive this thread with the bungie.new format. But I'll try.
I think that if you make a wish, people can destroy it all they want in the sub thread, all new wishes can be new replies.
We'll see if it works.
Note: I found this game in the group "Council of the Sangheili".
This game is simple, you wish for something, I'll grant your wish, but corrupt it in some way, then I wish and so on.
I wish... I was rich
Granted, but you have to work on the corner to do it
I wish... for a copy of Halo 3
Someone else:
Granted, but the surpreme awesomeness of it makes your head explode
I wish... for a pet grunt
And so on.
I'll start:
I wish... I was a super action hero.
Granted, now they mark sex as a foul word. I wish that the next poster would make my sig easier to understand.
Granted, but then there's no punishment for criminals. I wish society hadn't marked the f-word as foul, it's really my most diverse word. It really is -- you should listen to George Carlin explain the history of such an interesting word.
granted, but then you talk to much and you end up having no friends because all you can do is say something...ANTHINg. I wish people would accept people for who they were, beliefs aside, and let life be lived without them getting all up in people's faces. [Edited on 3/13/2007]
Granted, but then you get assigned a video game for homework, and end up hating video games. I wish I knew what to say....
Granted but to do this time slows to a halt at hour 24. I wish that there was no school, rather a different and fun way to get educated.
Granted, now non-religious people are trying to convert religious people. I wish tomorrow never came.
Granted but there will always be people who don't like to delve into that stuff. I wish religious people would stop trying to convert people. There will always be people who disagree, and half the time conversions do not work.
uh huh, my bad. well then, granted, but then the words you use become no fun to use anymore because they hold NO meaning. I wish someone had better knowledge of God, and got to READ the bible more, so that he would actually understand why you don't cuss. [Edited on 3/13/2007]
You shouldn't just not grant my wish, you have to fuсking corrupt it. I wish Christians would stop getting mad because someone is cussing. It's extremely biased when you don't let people say certain words.
yeah go ahed and NOT corrupt my wish *rolls eyes* This forum is also aimed for Christians so tough it out. wish NOT granted.
Not granted, this whole website is revolved around adult games. I wish people stop stop fussing over cussing.
granted, and nothing bad I can say to that, because God DOES CARE! I wish SOME people like the person above me ^^^ would stop cussing in the forums.
granted, but you lack the willpower to act. I wish that God actually gave a -blam!-.
Granted, but a Pokemon slave owner catches you and you are subjected to 1,000 years of torturing work. I wish I knew wether to or not....
granted... but nobody understands what you just said... I wish I was Pikachu
granted, but you get in trouble with God for it. I wish I knew why SOMEONE insulted me to begin with, then maybe he would know what I had against him.:-p
granted, but the answer only confuses you. I wish I could kill my roommate and get away with it!
Not granted, he has both already I wish I knew what Rocketswitasmile had against me.
granted except....it isn't. I wish the person above sporky would get a life and a love for God because he ovbiously needs both.
Granted but then everyone gets bored not being able to turn his comments back on him I wish that were really true
Granted but it doubles back on you. I wish Rocketswita smile would stop trying to get rid of everyone and deal with his antisocial issues elsewhere.
granted, but it is fake. HAHAHA I wish I had the powers to make sporky leave.....:-p
Granted but it spills when you try to drink it and you get burned I wish a had 40 dollars that could not burn, disintegrate, get lost or be stolen [Edited on 3/10/2007]
granted, but since it is ZANZIBAR and not ZINZABAR, you are vanished to ZINZABAR for the rest of your days.....(zinzabar has not relation to zanzibar for the record.) I wish it would my hot chocolate would be hot again.
granted, but now hes a bain in the front(MWEHAHAHAHHAHA) i wish i could live on zinzaber
such a violent end for me.:-( Granted, but now it can only take the worse pictures imaginable, I wish my dorm mates would stop being such a pains in the rear!