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9/25/2024 12:05:39 PM

About the seasonal power increase

Hi there, I played from vanilla start to season of the worthy. I took a 3.5 year break and the reason i quit was simple: the repetitive power grind each season was so absurdly boring that i couldn't stand a single pinnacle activity anymore. Raids, Dungeons, Strikes (yes, back then before Battlegrounds ruined that playlist), Seasonal Crap (Undying and Worthy had horrible activities). I was so happy when you retired that seasonal grind and only had it for expansions, which makes far more sense. That's why i returned in S22 Deep and it was much better that way. Idk if it's only 10 levels this time, even a single level is to much! I don't want to grind the same boring activities, hope for RNG to be finished and then upgrade half of my vault to new power lvl after im just done. That's just an insult. Arguing it with a dungeon that has contest mode anyways doesn't go well with me. 1. Who tf needs contest mode for that? 2. Ur underleveld anyways so whats the increase for? 3. If you argue that for next season again, i really regret buying this awful annual pass at all. Echoes is already the worst season to date. Greeting guardians.

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  • [quote]1. Who tf needs contest mode for that?[/quote] Content creators, it's that simple. Bungie don't have a marketing budget anymore, so why not get it done for free? [quote]2. Ur underleveld anyways so whats the increase for?[/quote] Gating. They've already made a commitment not to timegate the story Acts but they need to slow down progression somehow so that entire community doesn't just 'burn and bail' (which they're going to anyway, they'll just be more pissed off when they do). The vast majority of people aren't happy with this, and those who defend it seem blissfully unaware that the argument that 'it's only 10 levels and it won't take long to do' completely undermines the existence of it in the first place. [quote]3. If you argue that for next season again, i really regret buying this awful annual pass at all. Echoes is already the worst season to date.[/quote] Playing Devil's Advocate here, there's definitely been worse but there's also definitely been better. The saddest part about this season - *ahem*, EPISODE (and indeed the expansion so far) is that it's all been designed for a specific audience, that being the devotees of The Cult of Bungo. That's why the whole thing revolves around fan-service callbacks and content pitched at those who make a career out of playing Destiny (which they then refer to as 'aspirational'). Curiously enough, they still haven't figured out that if your game only caters to 5% of your audience, you shouldn't be surprised when only 5% of it is left playing

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  • Well said. I'm not for posting but, I agree with your sentiment.

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