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Edited by TuxyDoh: 9/25/2024 10:52:14 AM

Bad RNG for players needs to be addressed.

Dear Bungie, I have literally done Warlords Ruin 63 times and I have not had buried bloodlines to drop a single time. I have had done the triumphs for 2 of the base drop increases for a while now except the one for doing the activity solo which at this point I am too mentally defeated to even attempt. I have also yet to drop a single Edge Transit while having it being attuned in 90 waves of onslaught never mind even getting a god roll. There needs to be some realistic form Of bad luck protection, or they need to be available through a quest, purchasable with either money or from a vendor for x number of resources. I am a loyal player, I have over 2500 hours across both Xbox and PC and I have bought every single expansion and season. The fact that someone can get buried bloodlines first clear while I’m having to do many dozen is a shocking and massive amount of disrespect to a long time players time. Can you just add this weapon to my account because I don’t deserve this. The game is just not enjoyable for me right now and It should be your responsibility and desire to make destiny 2 a great experience for players cause at this point, I run 3 checkpoints and if I don’t get BB, Destiny 2 goes off for a week. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • Just wait for the new one to never drop Ice Breaker. I hate that crap. Just give us the exotic as a reward for your first time completing it. And not that stupid contest mode crap either. Then you can farm the legendary weapons to artificially inflate your play time Bungie.

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  • I already have all rare exotic drops but all of those came after countless tries like it took me 30-40 WR checkpoints farming then it dropped for me, same goes for the Euphony. I agree to the fact that there should be some sort of algorithm that ensures the exotic drop after a certain number of tries. Those who got the exotic after 3-4 tries will never understand how frustrating this can be sometimes and they will keep opposing the RNG protection thing. RNG makes the game grindable looter shooter mmo identity and many bla bla.

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    2 Replies
    • Bungie RNG is weighted and siloed. Both unpublished so unpredictable. Bungie pushing the chance is considered non linear. Also since D1 players have had issues with no drops when guaranteed or duplicates when RNG. Fixes are not expected. It would be a pleasant surprise if RNG and drops worked as expected. Or if there was a clear way to fix.

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    • 1
      The problem is that they think exotic chance increase is a good idea. They should have just made it so that you get a totem or item for doing an activity and then you can then trade in a set amount of that item to get what you want. Exotics should be sold for max cap of that item.

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    • I’ve done several myself. What I don’t understand is that how my friend gets the exotic gun again and not me. Seriously. Stop giving it to people who already have the exotic and give it to someone else who still haven’t yet got the exotic.

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    • [quote]I have had done the triumphs for 2 of the base drop increases for a while now except the one for doing the activity solo which at this point I am too mentally defeated to even attempt. [/quote] The way this part is written suggests you [i]might[/i] be under the impression that there are only three RNG boosting Triumphs for WR when there are in fact [b]five[/b] (as is the case for each Dungeon from Duality onward; full lists of Dungeon Triumphs can be found under the [b]Legends[/b] section of the Triumphs tab). If you’re too burnt out from previous attempts to try for the [b]Solo[/b] and [b]Solo Flawless[/b] Triumphs then I would suggest you at least consider the [b]Fireteam Flawless[/b] Triumph, looking for a group of players who want to complete WR with zero deaths across the entire fireteam and are willing to play with enough patience and caution to make it a feasible endeavor. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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