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6/28/2024 12:26:07 AM
Ido X

Remove quitting restrictions if you are not banning cheaters.

People with input mods are extremely common right now. Sony did something and the companies that manufacture and sell these devices found a workaround in less than a week. Xbox is plagued with them not just on Destiny 2. However, other games (not all) are way more aggressive at banning people using them. They perma ban their accounts forcing them to create a new account and buy the whole game again and start from scratch.You have basically given the game away to cheaters. You need to start doing the same thing. Permaban these people. Either that or let us quit more. You force us to stay in a match with someone that is cheating when those things give an insane advantage to the cheater. It might not be like actual PC cheats but they are unfair at a competitive level. Those companies say that they are for accessibility yet they promote them as cheating devices on their websites. If you are not going against the players, go against the companies. Do something. You said over a year and a half you were going to ban people for using them on a TWAB and nothing has happened.

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  • Respectfully - No. Restrictions stay, and should be more punishing. End result being a line in the sand that improves the list overall. For your consideration: By way of admission on this board, quitters don't leave matches only because of cheats. They quit because: *Mis-identifying cheats *Maps they don't like *Opponents they don't like *Weapons they don't like *Falling behind early *Completed bounty then bailed *Fullfilled match count then bailed. *Trolling the playlist What is the common denominator? - players that either don't like, or are unwilling to accept the mode....yet are involed in the PvP play list(s). Bungle quitter restriction cannot determine motive. Leaving a match when properly identifying a cheat is perfectly reasonable....after you've DONE YOUR PART in-game reporting them. Proper ID requires both game knowledge and self awareness - acceptance of where you stand in the crowd. Wasted reports clogging the system slow down / prevent action against offenders. The real question for most players who find some level of genuine enjoyment in PvP play lists is - Are you a part of the problem or the solution?..... ....only you (meaning anyone) know the answer. Ask yourself what you could do to be an improved member of the PvP community. I can confirm Bungle "thank you" messages for reporting cheats - resulting in action being taken. Something is being done....but again I'm sure it's a tall order in sea of reports which don't have merit.

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    12 Replies
    • Lol my brother in light,Bungie does not care! How many years has it been with the same issue? Just realize that it's something you and every pvp player have to deal with. That it's not going away. The faster you come to terms with it the better.

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    • Better yet, remove quitting penalties if it's not a balanced match, my dnf is higher than my kda lol. I try weapons and loadouts and if not working leave and reset or just leave when team is not a team.

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      • While I cant name names, their are still streamers on twitch that are open about using such devices. Thats how little Bungie cares.

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        • 👍🏻🫡

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        • Edited by Ryan Foxling: 6/28/2024 3:25:28 AM
          Other games do absolutely nothing against it, like CoD and Apex for example. Only competitive games have done something about it and only on consoles. It's sad that Bungie only mentioned that they will ban people for using it and nobody got banned

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          4 Replies
          • Every free online game is going to have cheaters. A lot of destiny is also free so there are going to be people like that in every gamemode every now and then. I can't say for sure I've met any of them, but I have had doubts a very few times with some people.

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