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6/27/2024 1:14:40 PM

I might be getting to old for this game ?

This "Final Shape" DLC for me is a mess. My titan sucks and the game is so damn confusing if it weren't for youtube I would have uninstalled the game weeks ago. You game and find there is no direction you have not a fricking clue how to solve these dumb puzzles and some are just not fun at all like the the Greenery mission. Now I am as old as your great grandpa and that might be the issue. I have been playing this game sense it started have played them all finished them all. I love the game but this year especially is just not fun. I hate to quit but these puzzles are just not doing it for me. I know there are things you have to figure out remember I have played all DLC's and finished. but I might not finish this one. Just an old gamer venting about a game I love.

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  • Edited by RADROB0U812: 6/28/2024 9:28:41 PM
    Maybe we should start a clan together I’m 54 and can do most of it yet some things are confusing, You know my first consult was a magnavox Odyssey lol. I don’t really like relying on builds. I like to change it up, but the meta sometimes doesn’t allow that. I still have to do all the missions on legendary but one. I totally get it. I just joined a clan ( Trigger Masters [TRIG] ) They want you to be at least 30 and do mostly PVE. It’s only a few people right now.

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    • I muddle my way thru it as a solo player at 72 years young! 😄

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    • ***SNIPPED & REPOSTED *** [quote]For Me… The underlying issues are principally a) campaign clearance on one character should have the option to automatically unlock PH zones for all 3x characters; and b) the Neomuna style overtuned enemies and difficulty level does not appeal to this old tortoise…🫤 I like to pootle about doing vanilla stuff, and work on quests / seals that are nearly done, whilst exploring and enjoying the amazing environments! And I like to do this on all 3x characters, across all game modes - PvE and PvP. 🙂 I don’t like having to ‘play my life’ nonstop in PvE vanilla stuff because it gets very old, very, very quick! 🤨 The direction Destiny is heading is not for a solo, ‘casual’ old tortoise - like me! Ease springs! 🫡[/quote] 🤔

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    • Edited by SaltieSeaTurtlez: 6/28/2024 12:10:24 AM
      Use warlock turret build. You can have hellion solar turret with a stasis turret getaway artist with grenade arc turret. Will do so much for you. Then use red death to heal yourself on kills. Also run high resilience and recovery and discipline. Also use artifact mod that gives damage resistance when amplified. You do that and you will be able to think more while the turrets do work for you. Use healing rift get solar turret, consume grenade get arc and stasis turret. Along with exotic pulse that heals you on kill. I mean it doesn't get any easier that that friend. For damage use linear fusions in campaign. Or use a good hammerhead. Something that can crit the tormentors and subjacators. Rockets and grenades aren't so good against them. I used storm chaser linear fusion the whole campaign worked great. Also the new solar super for warlock is very good and so is nova bomb right now.

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      8 Replies
      • You are never to old. Your loadout just changes to using cheese and pulse rifles. Be dad strong.

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      • Often I find its much easier to run with a group of friends than solo, and I have heard of older gamer clans out there, so it may be helpful to find one and make some buds to run missions with. I remember prior to the internet we would discuss game secrets with friends or read them in magazines, which isn't that far removed from watching videos on YouTube, at least in my opinion. Hope this helps!

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      • [quote]This "Final Shape" DLC for me is a mess. My titan sucks and the game is so damn confusing if it weren't for youtube I would have uninstalled the game weeks ago. You game and find there is no direction you have not a fricking clue how to solve these dumb puzzles and some are just not fun at all like the the Greenery mission. Now I am as old as your great grandpa and that might be the issue. I have been playing this game sense it started have played them all finished them all. I love the game but this year especially is just not fun. I hate to quit but these puzzles are just not doing it for me. I know there are things you have to figure out remember I have played all DLC's and finished. but I might not finish this one. Just an old gamer venting about a game I love.[/quote] No, titans suck this season. I ran titan all last season and it felt very strong however prismatic is terrible for titans (it’s probably good it you have the exotic class item.) I’m 54 and warlock and hunter destroys content. Hopefully they’ll give titans some love soon as I’ve heard that a lot of folks are having issues. They neutered banner of war.

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      • Me too…..I despise Platform Gaming…..refuse to play any part that demands I jump about like a demented flea. Unfun! I only purchased the last two DLCs to keep my mate company online, otherwise it would definitely have been No Sale!

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        9 Replies
        • I've played Destiny since day 1. I quit halfway through last season. Its just lost, discombobulated, a huge mess. I got dumb and bought the Final Shape. I see they brought back levelling up again and the campaign was just terrible. There's so many stupid pointless things to do, that you can't keep up with it all. Why would I want to continue running battlegrounds? Why keep adding so many "vendors" with nothing to sell, and no quests/bounties to give? D2 is a massive junk pile with no organization at all. I quit caring about the story long before the whale talked to us.

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          8 Replies
          • Solo player here. I play casually due to work and other things in life. The game has been on another level for me since armor 3.0 🥹 It’s get difficult to keep on every time a quality of life updates it is thrown at my face

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          • I jumped in the crucible today, and yeah, I felt old, you blink, you die, team shooting hitting you like a truck, a flash of light and you don't realize what hit you (it's still ability heavy imo) , invisible gun, invisible guardians (bug, not the ability), guardians lagging and then teleporting, a frustrating and boring experience. I do not like the last big update they did for the crucible, I used to consider myself slightly above average in skill, used to have really good games more regularly, now it's like a good game for every 10 games. I never crutched on grenades or meele abilities, never really depended too much on my super either, I still get my dodge somewhat fast using the aeon swift gauntlets, so this ain't the issue. I've been playing for long enough to know I caped in skill a while ago and I wont gEt GuUd any time soon, my aim won't get better, it's already at it's ''best''. I'm joining the old people's crowd and will continue to avoid crucible. I also didn't buy tfs, did not care for it.

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            • Edited by Yosemite Sam: 6/28/2024 11:32:59 PM
              [quote]This "Final Shape" DLC for me is a mess. [/quote] No, it is a mess and it's getting worse as time goes by. I mean every time someone thinks it can't get worse, Bungie says hold my beer. This is what happens when a game has a developer who doesn't care about quality work nor do they play their own game to see how things play out before releasing DLC. They even admitted that they don't, just push content out the door and post a TWID telling everyone "will fix it later". Never mind just about every single piece of DLC gets pushed out broken 🤦‍♂️

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            • I’m getting there.

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            • I logged in to try and find some inspiration to play as when I look at the app on ps4 my heart actually dips…I have a great clan that I chat to but I game is just dead now…same,maybe just to old for this nonsense now.

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            • Edited by torch327: 6/28/2024 2:31:37 AM
              My wife and I feel your pain, We are older gamers as well and you are more than welcome to add me. I was heavy into raiding in Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 raids are more of a job than a fun activity for me. if there was a pc port of it made I would probably go back to it. The biggest thing I miss are the normal variants of the raids with the ability to learn the mechanics without the pressure of limited revives and then the OPTION to do hard mode with no revives at all.

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              2 Replies
              • I totally agree with you, but you should stick around, your opinions are valid and needed, I’m a young person so if I wrote this same thing imagine all the hate I’d get

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              • After you finish the campaign and some missions, the game feels boring. I'm out too. Changes such as: pathfinder, lost sectors, and episodes are huge disappointments. Pathfinder is just plain boring. Exotic class items not being available for solo players is the biggest disappointment in the entire game and this is the main reason I'm leaving the game. I'll finish the episodes because I already pay for them, but I'm out after that.

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                • Edited by яемnant: 6/27/2024 8:15:49 PM
                  This is bungie: They do something good (1 step forward) But they do -blam!- ton of bad decisions (3 step back) For some reason i knew this would happen,they are selling so many lies and people believe them. Exotic class item could have been done diffrent after 1 completion.(full clear owertrow should garanted a class exotic drop) They changed Lost sector exotics. (it feel pretty useless now) Deepsight harmonizers should be able to earn other ways than season pass. Pathfinder system is a freaking joke. Story should be skippable on char 2 and 3.(but noooo they are gready and need the money) Final thing, Destiny 2 is by far the biggest game with bugs and cheeses,everyday there is a new vid on how to cheese this and this. It shows how clueless they are that made the dlc. This was my blowout xD

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                  6 Replies
                  • I feel the same way, especially those co-op missions. Doing the mechanics to drop the bosses shield while also juggling a debuff and fighting is so irritating and cumbersome. Most times I just want to shoot aliens but that’s not what this game is anymore. I remember struggling in the first encounter of the new raid just thinking this game isn’t for me anymore, it just broke my will.

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                  • The goal was to make casual players more accustomed to raid mechanics. Bungie failed miserably.

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                    18 Replies
                    • It's not just you, as many comments show. I'm in my 40s and this DLC was already annoying me with odd mechanics that were unclear so i would stop and go to youtube. That was annoying but then I hit Dual destiny mission, I wanted that new exotic class item but I'm not dealing with that mission & its comms needed raid lite nonsense. After a few days break I realized I'm very over what Destiny has become and the direction I think Bungie wants to continue taking the game. It was my chill after work casual solo relaxing game. It's time to do other things and other games. And with so many in this "community" responding to any feedback with "get gud, stop crying, leave already, its an MMO, we don't want players like you here, etc etc" yeah that made my choice even easier. Good Luck new Sony managers

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                    • WOW I am so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I thought for sure this post would get slammed with ya old fart you should just quit and go play cards or something. Love this game but this DLC im just not feeling it.

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                    • At almost 70, with more than 9000 hrs invested, I miss the days when I could grab a coffee, my legendary character, and just chill for a few hrs. And still be able to help out friend with a nf, raid or IB with minimal effort. Now I'm crafting weapons and building specific characters with meta loadouts from watching videos, just to survive in a regular activity. Never have I spent more time, wasting time, just to waste time. Some of us don't have much time left, to waste time. Don't further complicate things by also putting us on a timer. We may need a nap. Enjoy your day!

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                      4 Replies
                      • Yeah way too much of it requires me to look online or YouTube to figure out. Some exploration is nice. But there's way too much not explained or requiring too much communication with others.

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                      • The amount of time required to play this game has increased exponentially since D1. There's no room for anyone but the hard-core.

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