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6/26/2024 6:09:29 PM
[quote]You probably have purple hair.[/quote] I don't, but even if I did, what does my hair color have to do with anything? [quote]You know I'm right, but your ego doesn't allow you to accept it.[/quote] I could say the same about you. I provided an actual example of a hetero relationship that was focused on in game and you can't handle it. [quote]You are in the minority, believe it or not.[/quote] I wasn't aware that not being a bigot made me part of the minority. That means we have a lot to work on if bigots outnumber normal people. [quote]You don't see Zavala and his wife in a cut scene for every expansion.[/quote] You're moving the goal posts again. [quote]You're trying to catch me on a technicality, knowing very well what I really meant. You won't change my mind, nor will I change yours, and that's okay.[/quote] I'm not trying to catch you on a technicality. You were just incorrect, and if you know you aren't going to change my mind, why are you still talking sweetie?

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