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6/26/2024 11:31:46 AM


It'd irritating and annoying

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  • The lack of context to their relationship being the clearest indicator that it exists purely to curry favor with the LGBT+ community is the most annoying thing about it, but these are the times we live in. Don’t need to make a good game or write a good story, just need to pander.

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    • Edited by Smokey1322: 6/27/2024 3:11:34 PM
      I agree. I have no problems with the LGBTQ+ community but pushing your agenda on people is just not right...TRANScendancy,PRISMatic,The Rainbow Colored Seasonal Ornaments,The Saint and Osiris Love story,The ProNouns on every single vidoc or interview.Theyre pushing a line that is pretty thin by forcing it on people

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      29 Replies
      • I agree. I hate those gay lords.... It doesn't fit with the big picture. It's so dumb I mute the sound when they talk.

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      • Edited by Ms freya calazure: 9/5/2024 2:02:41 AM
        I agree with this 100% ,Give it a rest already,We get it ,Saint has a much older boyfriend,It's sweet truly is but what does that have to do with failsafe and the vex ? Absolutely nothing,They're talking about the vex and suddenly saint goes into a spiel about taking osiris and exploring the universe together,Again very sweet and romantic.I like it a lot but again what does that have to do with failsafe and the vex? Nothing at all.Also before the defenders start gaslighting ,I'm gay myself in a committed relationship with a trans female.My dearest friend is non binary,My female guardians are gay themselves.I have the be true emblem equipped on all of them as well as the transmat and the rainbow emote too.My titular namesake,My female awoken huntress freya calazure,formerly calix is openly bisexual and is dating another woman.A older human female warlock named eleanor soroka.They have been together for over two years in a committed relationship,Eleanor calls freya her little spitfire.Freya sister,My d1/d2 female awoken titan cassidy karn is very happily married to her very beloved warlock wife tyra karn,So it's not only a lesbian marriage but a may-December marriage at that,Cassidy calls tyra her beautiful snowflake.They have been married since the end of the rise of iron.My gothic female awoken warlock danica blackbriar is dating an African-American female human warlock named imzadi.They have been together as a committed couple since the red war.Heck my d1 female exo warlock antiope-1 is dating an awoken trans female named madrigal wren and my d1 human huntress mirka wolfwoode is dating shiro-4.The point i'm trying to make is if you criticize the relationship and bad writing,You get all kinds of ist and phobes slander thrown at you even if the criticism is valid,The story is poorly written,That's it ,No more no less,Any other assumption is on the individual reading this wall of text,Which i apologize to anyone who actually bothered to read it all ,By the by.

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        12 Replies
        • The alphabet people are on the march in this thread. 🤣😂🤣

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          14 Replies
          • It's so forced. I've never seen bungie focus on a heterosexual in game relationship. It makes sense with all the purple hair people working for bungie.

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            13 Replies
            • Edited by GallowsPole: 6/26/2024 2:17:12 PM
              Anyone in love with a robot must suffer from mechaphilia which has nothing to do with trans, gay, hetero, whatever. Osiris is just a loon.

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              7 Replies
              • We need a love story between The Kernel (Cayde's immortal chicken) & Hawthorn's eagle/hawk. That would win Bungie the GOTY title, for sure. 🤔

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              • It's weird that they are the only romantic relationship in the game... Feels out of place and forced. Destiny did not need romance, because that isn't what the game is about.

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                14 Replies
                • Yes please 200%, I want to know about who we're fighting or some lore about vex or anything, anything else but the gay robot crap. They used to be brothers. . . Go back to that

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                  • Edited by phonejackson: 7/2/2024 12:15:44 PM
                    Enough with the bigotry. It's sickening.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Finally someone spoke up on this issue Osiris is a lame character, and Saint could've been a badass one but they made him hella soft and quirky which just doesn't fit at all with his "legendary status" Besides, the "romance" is very badly done, it's cringe and it's also unnecessary, and kids play this game; the game is rated T which is 13 years+, and trust me, kids that age have no business seeing 2 men kiss each other — period

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                      21 Replies
                      • 11

                        500 Sherpas and counting :) - old

                        There are right and wrong ways to portray relationships in media. This is just blatant pandering though. It is not well written.

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                        3 Replies
                        • Edited by A485258: 6/26/2024 6:11:43 PM
                          Doesn’t matter if Osiris is straight or gay. He’s just annoying. So having him in a love story, whether it’s a straight or gay couple, is annoying. Edit: It’s amusing that so many people automatically assume the OP and others in this thread are bigots. Aside from Osiris being an intolerable character. Their relationship is also annoying because it’s so whiny. Osiris could be a girl, and Saint a man, and the relationship would still be irritating to witness.

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                          21 Replies
                          • Political stuff aside, the chemistry feels off, and the relationship itself seems a little forced. It's also somewhat a retcon, as in earlier lore it was pretty clear that they were just best friends/allies.

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                            32 Replies
                            • Edited by FireStriker: 6/28/2024 2:01:38 PM
                              Personally I don't mind the relationship, I think its kind of sweet. But Its starting to get annoying as we have just finished Act 1 and the story can be summed up as: * The Witness is dead * A number of strange lights shot out of the traveler one of which impacted Nesses * Osiris and Saint want to venture out among the stars in a spaceship that reads "Just Married" on the back * The echo is changing the landscape of Nesses and causing Nesses-quakes * The Vex are acting strangely * The Vex Branwashed Saint and was only snapped out of it by the power of boners * Saint casually name drops the "Conductor"

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                              • If it has to be then it has to be, but for the love of god if you're gonna put it in the game at least make it a skippable cutscene, why did I have to sit ten -blam!- minutes at the helm listening to the two idiots tell each other how much they care? This is a game about shooting aliens, I don't want to hear about how much zavala loves his wife, i don't want to hear about how much cayde loves sundance, I don't want to hear about how much the ghost loves my guardian, I want to hear about how a god ate a planet and then go to fisting that god's face for my next mid rolled 42069 power purple armor piece that's getting crushed into upgrade cores that'll sit in my inventory for the next decade. I don't care about your representation or politics, if you want, make ever single character a gay trans two spirit albino, but for the love of god stop forcing me to waste my game session time sitting and listening all about it. I. DONT. CARE. This is a videogame, I want a videogame. If I wanted to listen to forced sociopolitical garbage I'd boot up Disney+

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                                3 Replies
                                • Get used to it unfortunately all media is going down the dumb all inclusive route now. Gone are the days of quality story telling.

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • I've been thinking this for a long time. All hetero love in the game is killed off by one of the parties beeing dead and now causing sorrow like Zavalas wife for example, or killed off like Amanda for Crow and Cayde 6's long lost unknown Queen of hearts that never really existed. And everyone is right, Osiris and Saint have never had any chemistry between them, and yet they get inserted into the cutscenes of the game as if their relationship matters the most of all. It's sickening, and has no place in an action shooter. And not to mention the obvious... Nimbus, we all know he's eye candy for the male gay players, and nobody else likes him. Bungie is effectively writing their own demise. I'm not saying there can't be any gay love stories, just that its a game where love stories really aren't that relevant and people don't like when the obvious agenda is beeing pushed in to their faces all the while hetero love stories that the majority could relate to are actively killed off.

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                                    7 Replies
                                    • I vote for Queen Mara and Petra to have a love story ❤️

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                                      7 Replies
                                      • The human body -whether by randomness or design, it doesn't matter- is built solely for reproduction. The entire purpose of 'love' is to be a lure for procreation. Every single thing a person does from exercising to brushing their hair to the clothes they wear is subconsciously based on attracting a mate to reproduce. We wouldn't have genitals otherwise. If reproduction didn't exist, neither would love. If gay -blam!- was natural the human body would be built for it. It isn't. The ONLY part of a human body built to have a male body part inserted into it is female genitals which leads to the reproductive system. Nothing else. This is an undeniable fact of nature.

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                                        6 Replies
                                        • Isn't there actually more gay couples than straight currently in Destiny. Like the known to be together couples? I don't care just noticed lol

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                                        • Edited by Shortyducks: 7/1/2024 12:40:52 PM
                                          The male love story part doesn’t bother me, one of them is a robot even. I just think these two characters didn’t live up to the expectations we had for them. Osiris just seems to make bad decisions which is such a waste of a mysterious dude, and Saint was supposed to be such a gnarly warrior but he does that stuff off screen. We get to just hear about him killing Savathun over and over as payback for Osiris, for example.

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                                        • Can we PLEASE just kill off Osiris already? He's the most worthless, jobber character in the entire series. Every single appearance he has makes him more whiny and less useful and important. Yes he's worse than Nimbus.

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                                          2 Replies
                                          • Irritating and annoying is putting it mildly. I remember a time where neither one were gay, but nnnooooo they instead had to make them un-relatable and mundane, also no longer likable either.

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                                          • Edited by Monkey: 6/27/2024 2:54:52 AM
                                            lol they have lost their way with this game. it seems its pride month every month in this game

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