This weekend. Short wall of text.
On search for a god roll Summoner which I consider a very nice AR both for PvE and PvP, the solar equivalent to my god roll Gnawing Hungers.
Opposite to what I commented earlier this last weekend I spent some time in Trials trying. (Below) average player here, Silver/Gold in comp, no way to get flawless in Trials in solo/without being carried. Had some decent games this weekend w/ positive kda ending but brutal defeats as well.
I started the pass of attrition (endurance) thinking about getting at least one adept Summoner but gave up this route after game 6 when I changed to a mercy pass instead.
Let’s analyse. All games in solo queue, sometimes matched with duo/solo teams but majority 6 solo players. L = Loss, W = Win.
Saturday – 2 games – 2 losses – LL
Sunday – 17 games – 7 wins/10 losses – LLWLLLWLLWWLWLLWW
Monday – 15 games – 7 wins/8 losses – WWLLWLWLLLLWWWL
In total 14 wins/20 losses.
After game 6 when I acquired a loss after first win (resulting in 0 wins on card) I changed to mercy.
Had I stayed on attrition I would have achieved 7 wins on the attrition (endurance) card on my second last game yesterday. However w/o further playing had not acquired additional loot. Theoretical result had been the loot on win 3/5/7 including one adept Summoner plus 1 trials engram.
The route I chose provided me the 3/5/7 wins loot w/o adept plus loot/engrams (9 in total if I’m not wrong) of the 6 wins acquired after mercy card had reached 7 wins.
I consider the chance of getting a “god roll” adept Summoner from one single drop as relatively low. In comparison the mercy route dropped me 4 additional normal Summoner rolls plus 9 additional engrams which I can focus. I believe (for me) the mercy card is/was the more efficient way to go.
Meanwhile I sit at 20 engrams. Hence why I am looking for a carry in hopefully one of the upcoming Trials weekends provided we get another one w/ Summoner as adept. Provided I made it to the Lighthouse with external help that translated into 20+ (additional weekends coming) instances rolling the dice for a decent Summoner adept roll. Or else at least 20+ chances getting a god roll standard Summoner.
Take care!
It is unfortunate that you traded your card from Persistence as it is pretty forgiving like you mentioned, but it mainly is for players that can only piece a couple wins together. However, I highly recommend the Passage of Ferocity card. Based on your data, you are capable of getting 3-4 wins back to back occasionally. This is actually how I was able to go Flawless for the first time a couple weeks ago and we likely have similar statistics. At least then you can farm for more Adept drops on wins and trade your card to Saint-14 for a final roll before reset. Keep at it and you'll get there, it takes a bit of luck so you just have to play your best loadout and be persistent!