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1/23/2023 10:51:12 AM

We need freelance Trials

Because why not? It's not fair for solo players.

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  • Even with fbmm solos will still have trouble on there 5-7th game since more than likely you’ll be facing a 3 stack also I don’t if a 7 win card to get an adept weapon with multiple losses account base or per character. If it’s account base I lot off people are going to complain since it ain’t a flawless card. Hopefully they increase rewards for going flawless though.

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    • Not happening. You will take FBMM and have no flawless pool and you will like it.

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      • Trials is a dying game mode

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        • [quote]Because why not? It's not fair for solo players.[/quote] Quit being lazy and being your own team then.

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          15 Replies
          • Edited by Lava_Cooled: 1/25/2023 7:03:29 PM
            I only play trials when it has the freelance option....and it's actually not a totally horrible experience.

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            • Freelance for Everything!!!

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            • Read the twab it's pretty sweet change for trials n gms

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            • They’re making changes to Trials for solo players. A card will need 7 wins for an adept weapon instead of flawless. The population in trials is low so condensing the pool makes it easier for sweats and solo players have a much easier path to adept weapons.

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              • Edited by Kirka soi ja viini virtaa: 1/24/2023 5:58:27 PM
                Why would you want to play trials? Everyone knows what's going on. I figured it out during beginning of D2 when I played with a couple of top 500 trials players. Still the complaints continue year after year. My advice: Don't play it. Period.

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                • Trials is going to get permanent fireteam based matchmaking, meaning solos will be FAR more likely (but not guaranteed) to face solos, while stacks will more likely face stacks. To be honest though… This isn’t even CLOSE to enough for me to consider even attempting the playlist. Record will remain 0.

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                  • It's more than fair for solo players, don't have to LFG and make suicide pacts anymore just to get normal loot, you get an engram every rank up, and can buy the new weapons from Saint, then use engrams for a better roll If you care about flawless, which I never have even in D1, then get a team, the Lighthouse is intended for the most dedicated and skilled PvP players, it's not for everyone, which is what Bungie stated when they introduced it in House Of Wolves , and even in freelance you will still match with AFKs and throwers, and bad players in general, it's why the majority of endgame content doesn't have matchmaking, success shouldn't depend on RNG You are lucky to be invited to the party, don't get mad because you can't have everything

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                    4 Replies
                    • It's a team based mode. Make a team.

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                      • No, bungies original goal was to let solo players "dip thier toes" into the mode with solo que. Previous to that solo players couldn't even load into trials without a team. So bungie do solos a solid and go even further beyond with some freelance weeks and not only are the solo players ungrateful - they demand more on top of that 🤣 they demand and [u]entirely seperate trials playlist up each week[/u] No. Bungies goal was for you to TRY the mode and make some friends to team up with along the way and off freelance. Not get an entirely seperate mode and split the trials playerbase

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                        • Trials isn’t for solos… freelance was introduced so the stubborn solo players could try it out and then when they want to give it a real go find a fireteam…

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                          7 Replies
                          • Better enjoy the times it's here. Going by what they said, freelance is going away for all activities. No more splitting player pools that way.

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                          • Also give us teammates that don't suck eggs. because that'd be GREAT

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                          • Agreed, the only time I ever went flawless was solo freelance.

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                          • We need better servers

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                            • I love how the central theme to all these posts is ‘my team mates suck when I solo search trials, make freelance permanent’. The only reason most who can’t go flawless outside of freelance is because someone who usually plays in a three stack Is carrying you through the harder games.

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                              • I seriously can't remember, but wasn't D1 trials 3 man teams only to even join?

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                                • Honestly I say make freelance trials appear every 2 weeks *Week 1 regular Trials *Week 2 regular+ freelance Repeat I played both modes and I have to say I enjoy freelance way more then regular trials Regular trials have way too many issues when players can stay at the beginning of a card and farm KD and get a flawless team right off the back sometime basically giving them a free access to the lighthouse tells you alot When freelance players they don't really care too much about flawless just want to enjoy the mode and get loot by grinding XP

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                                  • Edited by FuzzyWolf: 1/24/2023 4:24:58 PM
                                    Just gonna say I know the new matchmaking they are going to implement will fail new things they implement usually do, and if it doesn't fail outright it's going to screw something else up they keep trying to fix things that aren't broken and then breaking it.

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                                  • You might not want to read the TWAB because they are trying to build MM in a way that eventually eliminates solo queue for all modes at some point.

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                                  • I need freelance master raids, where the enemies shoot me with marshmallows.

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                                    • It's not supposed to be FAIR FOR SOLO PLAYERS. Go be social and find a fireteam. Pay for a carry. Sub to Gernader Jake. But stop relying on freelance.

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                                      10 Replies
                                      • Idk what’s wrong with solo players asking for the freelance mode. If anyone doesn’t like it just don’t play it how does freelance hurt them in any way. And f that “intended to be team mode”. If it is bungie should simply make it accessible only to pre-made fire teams simple as that. Regardless tho solos should not play the regular mode it’s not worth the time

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