First of all lets try to keep things civil here, I just want a civil discussion, so before you comment please know that I expect you to consider both sides of the coin when it comes to the discussion. This is a discussion, please do not treat it with a "Us vs them or my side is the only side that matters mentality". Id like to see the game get better on all fronts so this post is a way to find a middle ground. So lets give bungie a good place to look for some treasure eh?
Sure I may be a "trash can or bottom fragger" but at least i can find enjoyment out of the game because I like to experiment with various exotics, weapons and abilities. Some of my best games have actually stemmed from me using a wacky off meta trick that was very rare to see.
I ran well Lock with boots of the assembler with lumina before it became "Meta" and was considered a "degenerate playstyle". Why did I play that way?
Simple, because it was fun, and it gave me the same warm feeling that Jolly co operation in dark souls gave me as a sun bro, and if i could make the best top fragger on the team pop off even more you bet your -blam!- I would call it a successful game, regardless of the result.
Imagine getting a message from someone and it stated that they got their first "We ran" because you kept them alive. I even invited them to the fireteam and they just spammed the hug emote.
People out here treating the pvp scene like its the only part of the game that truly matters, and to that note I can understand why, it feels good, just like how beating a raid feels good, Like how getting that raid exotic feels good, Like how beating a grand master nightfall feels good and getting that 5 out of 5 god roll weapon feels good. However what makes it sad to me is that at the end of the day, here's my question for those who play pvp more than pve.
Do you play pvp just to win? Just to see how many kills you can put up? Do you ever try out silly builds to have fun? Do you stick to one set up or do you swap weapons around depending on the map? What is the weirdest off meta thing you have done in pvp?
Lets actually have a civil sit down and chat about this. Hard thing to ask for on these forums but who knows, generating a discussion about this might give Bungie some feedback that could lead to the games overall improvement in all aspects. They are planning to overhaul stuff so lets give them more of a direction to go on, things to draw inspiration from and so forth.
I say this because it seems Bungie is looking to make the game similar to old halo custom game modes, just look at the new eruption game mode slated to drop with Iron banner next week. Tbh one thing that the core playlists need is a loot pool overhaul. NGL I would not mind to see a season devoted to quality of life improvements across the board. New game modes, new maps, , new maps, you know, The works. This may be the focus in the coming years now that the 3.0 sub classes are out. Heck there is no excuse not to do it. Lets help Bungie make this game a better place for all, From pve conquers to Unbroken badasses to Gambit bandits to kinderguardian's, new lights and bottom fraggers. Lets work together to help make the game better for everyone, not just the boys and girls on twitch.
I play trials with my buddies and almost no casual PvP. It just isn't fun. The meta is stale, the cheap tactics are infuriating, the connection issues are ridiculous in 2022. I honestly do not think they can fix it at this point, not do they care to. Why would they? They have their loyal players who are not going anywhere. They don't do pinnacles in crucible anymore, they really don't support the mode if we're being honest. If you enjoy playing control, good on you. I'm not here saying you're an idiot if you play crucible, I'm just saying I don't enjoy it anymore. I really think the main problem is there are too many OHK guns and too many cheese tactics for me. If you enjoy hopping around shooting each other then by all means, enjoy! I just don't find it fun, and I have a feeling I am not alone in feeling this way.