Not every player manages to complete 1 raid a week.
I play every week all the pinnacle activities and yet I am at 1555.
The pinnacle drop is totally random and every time it gives the pinnacle piece that you already have at the highest light.
Ex. I have Helmet at 1554 and I drop the pinnacle at 1553.
Makes no sense.
In this way it impossible to reach 1560 light.
Thus I won’t be able to play GMs.
And the artefact takes too long to level up.
So one of the two (artefact - pinnacle system) has to be reviewed.
Please don’t comment silly things just cause you play 24/7 and you are 1560+30 artefact cause Im talking about people that play 1 hour a day, not 20 a week.
Just saying the game requires too much farming -> boring as hell-> people frustrated -> lower player base
Playing 1 hour a day is the reason it’s taking forever. That’s a you problem. From my POV. All I did was dedicate Tuesday nights after work for pinnacle grind and after that just complete daily bounties for an hour everyday or every other day for ranking up my season level. Don’t even have to play 24/7.