Coming soon is the first debate of this election cycle, and we want you to take part!
Come up with questions, good questions, bad ones, funny ones, and share them here!
I will go through them and select several to use over the election period.
Additional questions will be supplied by me at the time of the debates, however, so what you see here is not all you'll get! There will be serious questions and meme-y questions as well, so, candidate, think hard about your campaign going forward.
It is highly advised that you create your own rally posts or host small events. The excitement need not be contained to a weekly/bi-weekly election post, spread the campaign!
Edited by Warlock Holmes: 7/11/2021 6:10:20 AMWhat are your views on Offtopic roleplaying and how will you handle the roleplaying scenes here? What do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning? A princess is as old as the prince will be when the princess is twice as old as the prince was when the princess's age was half the sum of their present age. What are their present ages? Greymane or Battleborn? What isn’t the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? You are opening a restaurant for the undead. What is your signature meal? Fill in the blank. Dagoth Wave is _______. Is there such things as wrong answers? Why was the answer to that last question wrong? What’s Taco Cat spelled upside down? Why is Ringleader77 a horrible debate monitor? What would you do if you owed someone a mechanical beholder and still haven’t given it to them? Where’s my mechanical beholder!? To what degree is the hammer Crom Fæyr enchanted to? What happens when you see the world through the eyes of a goat? How do you fly? Why do we fall? More will be maybe possibly added if I think of things and want to post them.