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Edited by XsaborZ: 7/17/2020 7:13:28 AM

Resilience needs a buff and how it can easily sway the meta

From the last few large game updates weapons receive some pretty hefty nerfs and buffs. Forsaken, hand cannons got a well deserved nerf in their range and in the season of the worthy autos got a well deserved buff and with some maybe to much in some areas. Also let me ask you when do you actually focus in resilience. if anything only titans should focus in it because they can get their barricade back. but in general who actually uses it. At this moment resilience only increases shield capacity giving people about a few hit points to up to 20 more points i believe. but when has those 20 hit points actually helped. pve it might help slightly and in pvp you might survive the 2 head 2 body from 180s but that's about it. Iv'e been thinking how resilience can be buffed and I believe I know just how to do it. Think about the High energy fire, charged with light, mod. when charged you get a 15% damage increase. changing ones archetype to a heavier hitting archetype. (I will be using hand cannons as reference). high energy changes 180 from a 4 tap to a 3 tap, 150 from a 3 head to a 2 head 1 body or in some cases 2 head, 140 from 2 head 1 body to just 2 head and 110 from 1 head 2 body to just 1 head 1 body. Now think of this reversed for resilience instead of increased shield capacity think of it being a damage reduction of a max of 15% damage reduction. now 110 need 2 head 1 body, 140 need 3 head, 150s need 3 head 1 body and 180 need 4 heads. of course this would only happen if the person runs tier 10 resilience. Ok maybe that was a little much to taken or think about. so I'll go over how this will effect what is currently plaguing the crucible, 600 autos. ever since 600s got a buff to a .7 ttk it is almost impossible to go into a match without running into one. I am still all for the buff to the autos but the problem is their ease of use. Now lets add the resilience buff in. (gonna just say a couple of examples) at tier 1 resil 600s ttk is now .715, tier 4 it is a .74, and at tier 10 it is .78 (these shots are only to the head). since of the ease of use of autos even with a resilience buff I still consider them pretty viable. ok yes you just showed that it will hurt the main meta but what about the other archetypes. wouldn't they be hurt even more than the current meta? yes and to be honest this was the part I thought about the most and i believe i have a reasonable solution. lets say that the most damage reduction to the head is 15% and body shot damage is 20%. (here I will list each archetype line be line also listed with a max of tier 10 resilience) Aggressive Frames - 10% reduction to head instead of 15% and 15% reduction to the body instead of 20% Adaptive Frames - will remain with 15% head 20% body reduction - due to ease of use Rapid fire Frames - 13% head instead of 15% but with a 20% body reduction Light weight Frames - will remain with 15% head 20% body reduction - due to increase of speed Precision Frames - Will ignore all damage reduction to head but will have a higher body reduction of 25% - 30% also all types of melee will ignore all damage reduction (just knowing that a titan will complain about how they can't shoulder charge a person to death so I added this to compensate them) all scouts rifles will have a smaller reduction since they kinda need the help. of course some weapon types will be hit harder than others which i believe smgs will recieve the most hurt but numbers can be adjust to fix these situations. also if you want to be a glass cannon you will be warned that you will be killed alot faster than others since the current meta will still have the best time to kill. I don't think this will be added to the game but I believe that this should be looked into more than buffing and nerfing weapons because that will just lead to more complaints. Please pass this around if you can and let me know if their is a problem with this idea. I will be working on an excel sheet for each archetype being represented by each teir of resilience. will take a while but other input will help on making it. thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it swayed idea of buffing and nerfing weapons to buffing resilience instead.

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  • The ability to not die has too much potential to dominate the game. Especially when mobility and defense are not mutually exclusive. Even slightly over-buff resilience and it will completely invalidate every other stat.

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