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4/12/2020 7:09:50 PM

You can still practice social distancing: have each one of your *new* clanmates use Rocket Launchers instead of melee attacks [PS4][XB1][PC][All Time Zones]

"Stay In & Stay Safe" has been the mantra for (literally) hundreds of millions, [i]if not billions[/i], of people. Video games are a great way to kick back, de-stress, emote/let all that frustration out, while having fun. Throw in running with friends/being in some type of online community or clan, and you suddenly start realizing you can actually have back-and-forth conversations with someone who's only response isn't [i]bark[/i], [i]meow[/i], or [i]chirp[/i]. YES, Destiny 2 is in a rough spot. It's even rougher when Bungie employees, themselves, are practicing social distancing and can't really work from home at the same level of capacity as before--but gosh darn it, we all still LOVE THIS GAME, and if we didn't love it so much we wouldn't be still playing it while complaining about it! But man oh man...there's a big difference between grumbling and straight-up toxicity. You wanna play with other folks, but can sure do without all the ranting, raging, and unnecessary anger. We over here at xAllegiancex (xAx)...heh, it's like you and us were meant to be all this time, because we TOTALLY understand and agree with ya. Yes, we've been around for a long time (since the very beginnings of D1). Yes, we're active in all time zones. Yes, we do it all--from Crucible to Nightfall: The Ordeals, from Training Raids to helping out with Daily Bounties (Seraph Towers, Legendary Lost Sectors, or even just the Banshee-44 bounties for the day). Most importantly, however, [i]we realize we're all in this TOGETHER[/i]. YES, life sucks because our 'normal' has been interrupted. YES, we're all unhappy and inconvenienced. [b]But most importantly--YES, WE REALIZE HOW WE CAN ALL HELP ONE ANOTHER THROUGH THESE UNCERTAIN TIMES.[/b] Helping someone get their first-ever Garden of Salvation clear. Helping someone complete the Heroic Zero Hour quest. Helping someone realize the importance of not 'double-peeking' sniping lanes in Burnout. While these are all little things, it really IS the little things that help to make these rough times...not so rough. If you'd like to learn a little more about us (or just flat-out join), come check us out at [url][/url]. Once you're a member, you'll get access to our Discord so you can easily find other Guardians to link up with. And yes, we're always open for event requests. Regardless of what you do, stay safe out there, fellow Guardians.
#PvP #Raid #Clans #SOW

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