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5/4/2019 6:22:24 PM
It’s not a discussion when the majority of people want it gone.

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  • This

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  • Your totally right. Don't listen to those spammers

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  • Majority? Looooool it's such a small minority, this is hilarious.

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  • I want them out of infusion

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  • How would you know? My Guardian has underpants that are older than your characters....

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  • If only there was a way to have more than one account 🤔

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  • Yet we're not **seeing** that one, and you aren't **using** it. [i]Sooooooooo........[/i]

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  • Take your time, it will come to you eventually 👍

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  • You're assuming that I'm prepared to waste any time on that. Nope. Sorry. If you want to be taken seriously....come back with your real account. But until then, not interested in the PoV of someone who is only played the game enough to meed the minimum repquirements for posting privilieges.

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  • Lol times up. Better luck next time, thanks for playing. Would the next player please take their seat and get ready to play "The easiest game ever!!!"

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  • Wasn't playing kid. Because I don't care what you think. But, you're welcome to keep making an ass of yourself. By all means.....

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  • Now now baby cakes, no one likes a sore loser.

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 5/7/2019 2:21:38 PM
    I'm a guy, genius. So, unless you're into that sort of thing, I'm not your "baby cakes". [i]They never stop to think of that possibility before pulling the "condescend to the little woman" card. [/i] Typical. Even if you're not smart enough to consider the possiblity that Kelly isn't just a first name.....or that Green may not be a name at all..... You should have been at least smart enough to realize that Kelly is a first name that both men AND women have. But....apparently not.

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  • Shhh sweet cheeks, you'll get another turn, just be patient ok princess?

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  • Apparently reading comprehension is a struggle for you as well. Find yourself another baby-sitter, kid. Muted.

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  • 😂😂😂😂😂 GG

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  • Check his characters xD hes a casual confirmed lmao

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  • Well if u looked closely, you would see I've literally not done anything since reaching the farm on this what does that suggest? [spoiler]take your time it will come to you eventually 👍[/spoiler]

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  • Everyone ignore and block this guy hes a known troll.

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  • Really? Until a few days ago I hadn't posted for like 2 years or something lol

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  • It's not a discussion when Bungie literally refuse to discuss it. They stamp their feet and say it stays the way it is and that's final. That's not a discussion, that's us being told the failed system will remain with some very minor tweaks that are basically worse than even what we have. No more scrapper bounties which you have the chance to get from dismantling gear, now it's just daily and weekly bounties from the gunsmith and the weekly bounties aren't worth the time. They're now straight up limiting people further than they were before. Meanwhile people will continue to demand change until it happens or continue to leave. With the astounding level of communication and compliance, I'm starting to think Bungie want this to fail so they have an out. I don't think they care anymore, the updates for D2 are already slowing down, much like what happened with D1 and the cycle is complete. D1 started pretty bad, made it's way back and TTK was fantastic and a hit, then slowed down and gave way to Rise of Iron out of their desperation. D2 was marketed to be as good as or better than D1 was by the end and came out worse than D1 started out being in some ways, then got even worse with CoO and slightly better with Warmind, then Forsaken was another TTK. Ever since then, there's been more content drops than we got after TTK but still very low effort, the Challenge of Elders still feels like it had more effort put in than BA and this season and we know nothing about next season except that there's still no story missions and a raid which means next to nothing for most of us to do and once again, no word on what's happening in September, if anything.

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  • [quote]It's not a discussion when Bungie literally refuse to discuss it. They stamp their feet and say it stays the way it is and that's final. That's not a discussion, that's us being told the failed system will remain with some very minor tweaks that are basically worse than even what we have. No more scrapper bounties which you have the chance to get from dismantling gear, now it's just daily and weekly bounties from the gunsmith and the weekly bounties aren't worth the time.[/quote] Agreed. This isn't a fix. Its another attempted at an even greater amount of control and increased micro-management. It was also going to be an attempt to bleed hardcores of their stores of weapon parts, as well. Until the IT heard the outcry (and realized we'd figured out what they were doing)...and backed down The insanity of it all, is that they seem more concerned about depleting player material stores...and leading us around the game like a elementary school class on a day trip....than actually making the game enjoyable to play.

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  • Finally, someone speaks my language. Someone else understands exactly what I've been seeing and am concerned about. Crap like this has me concerned for the future of the game. Now that Activision is gone, any BS Bungie tries is 100%, on them. Most of all I'm worried about future content, if there is any, particularly September. Are we going to be stuck with the usual small crap like this and pinnacle weapon changes or will we be too busy leaving the game for good come September?

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  • It has me concerned as well. But only because i don't know where Chris Barrett and Luke Smith stand on what the Investment Team is doing. If they support this....I'm REALLY concerned. But there is a chance that they don't. Right now Bungie is clearly undergoing a restructuring of the company at the middle-management level. With a lot of the devs and team leaders who were responsible for the shape that vanilla Destiny 2 took leaving the company right now. So there is a big signal that D3 is going to be more being put out there. However the Investment Team leadership may be something that Smith is stuck with for the moment....and that leadership may be willing to try to run Destiny 2 into the ground in their stubborn wish to hang on....and force the game to be what they want it to be. ...and mindset that seems to have plagued this franchise from its beginnings.

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  • I never thought about that tbh, thanks for the insight. I'll be sure to keep all that in mind. I really do want the game to improve, if only for my selfish desire to see some actual story development since we've gotten next to none since Forsaken with a tiny sprinkle this season with more lore on the Drifter who's sure to play a pretty major part and the conversations we hear between the Nine and their emissary. I want this so much so that sometimes I forget that Destiny has always been treated firstly as a product made by a business rather than a game made by a company who are or at least were loved my many.

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