You play on console ? Because for one they are not crutch canons on pc, they are not even top of the game. And two you never put in the effort/were not good enough for a not forgotten if you only have the lunas. Lunas is easy to get relative to the grind required for NF. This is a dumb post.
... They still have better ttk than most everything else on ALL platforms... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
A majority is on console. And on console nothing competes with lunas and nf. It’s a completely different sandbox vs pc. You guys have last word and ace available. We do not. Those weapons suck on console. So the 2 best weapons are lunas and nf. That’s the problem here. They outclass every other weapon on console. And a yes I agree, lunas quest was easy compared the hell of doing redrixs broadsword quest solo with no lunas howl or nf. Nf is much harder, but lunas still takes effort for the average or below player. We should not doom those who enjoy pvp but are not great or hardcore to suffer and eventually stop playing pvp. That’s not a good mindset. Just because we have lunas does not mean we deserve to destroy and curb stomp those who don’t without a chance of losing. This is why some people don’t even want pvp in D3. Because we think we are better than everyone else and deserve to easily crush them with a weapon they don’t have.
[quote]You play on console ? Because for one they are not crutch canons on pc, they are not even top of the game. And two you never put in the effort/were not good enough for a not forgotten if you only have the lunas. Lunas is easy to get relative to the grind required for NF. This is a dumb post.[/quote] Like this is a dumb answer?