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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • So 1 Core for Daily bounties and 1 for Weekly bounties which are more time consuming. Who comes up with these ideas. Having a Weekly Bounty reward somewhere between 5-10 Cores makes more since. It's like the time it takes to do a public event and a strike and getting the same loot. It isn't rewarding, fun or make my time worth it. Mod components..good idea. Cores...time to start stacking pink slips on DEVS!

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    • Sounds good, dmg!

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      • While I see these changes as helpful and welcome I don’t think they’re the optimal changes that would help the game the most. The optimal changes that need to be made regarding cores and mods are to take cores out of infusion cost and make mods farmable through a variety of activities either as random drops upon activity completion or via bounties that reward them upon completion of said bounty (note:I’m talking about MODS not mod components). I think the changes I’m suggesting would land on the game with far better reception than the ones you’ve outlined for implementation in season of opulence. I’m happy to see the community being continually updated on this and other situations involving the game and where it’s going. Hopefully through feedback and tweaks we can get to a place where the dev team and community are on the same page and the end product shows it.

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      • One core per bounty is par for the course with these guys. They are the ones that gave us 2 tokens and a blue after all

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      • I know you're trying to put the best possible spin on the information you have been given, but this is kind of the worst possible response. The only meaningful (hey, there's that word again!) feedback you've received was that enhancement cores as a component/currency of infusion was a solution to a problem that simply does not exist in any way, shape, or form, no matter how much you try to say otherwise. This response doubles down on the idiocy of having cores in that core game function (using the gear WE as players deem most useful to US), and completely fails to acknowledge the disconnect between devs and players. Then, most egregiously, you clarify that WEEKLY bounties will award the lowest possible amount of material. You honestly could not have less of a reward, and you're touting this as a solution? What part of this makes any sense at all? I would say go back to the drawing board, but your wonderful community has already done that for you. There is one solution, and only one. Enhancement cores go back to masterwork cores, and are used for the single purpose of masterworking weapons/armor. Infusion is a completely separate function, and you have a methodology in place that doesnt require cores. Keep cores out of infusion completely. Done. It really, truly, is that simple. Don't overthink it.

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      • Better than I thought it was going to be but you’re still locking a huge portion of leveling and using gear that is customizable to your play style behind a single item That being said at least it’s something but unless that’s at least 12-15 bounties per week per character I don’t see it pleasing the community

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      • Again right direction, again not quite enough. one core weekly bounties is just insulting. One easy 'fix' would be having legendary gear drop AT level not under level. If legendary all dropped at level it would mean new roles or better roles or gear would be more worth while especially once you reach max light. And thus the MASTERWORK CORES can be used from what they were originally designed and not infusions. Name change, changed nothing. Core should not be in infusion only masterworking.

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      • It's on the right path if,sadly, you're dead set on not removing them from infusion. The daily is fine but, the weekly bounty should cough up more than one. Seeing it's what? 10 cores to MW an armor piece and 15 for a weapon? That's 95 cores to MW one set of something I find useful. I have multiple sets that I love to use. Most of us, have a PVP and a PVE loadout completley separate from each other. You're talking 100's of cores spent to do this while we get ONE from the bounty? I don't mind grinding for something but, that's ridiculous imho. How can you guys honestly think this is a good business model for the game? I understand you need ways to keep people logging in but, this hasn't been a valid reason at all. There were days where I'd log in just to get spider's core for 10 shards then, I'd log off. Why? Nothing else to do or nothing else I wanted to do was usually the reason. I've even stopped doing this at this point. It's far too tedious to waste my time trying to gather cores. It's not in any way respectful of my time. If you gave more cores as a reward, I could guarantee you people would shut up about this and maybe some would even come back to the game, doubtful but, you never know. One core per bounty isn't the answer.

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      • Why are the gunsmith weekly bounties being considered as ways to gain rank points? It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's tangential at best to what I'd expect Gunsmith bounties to reward. If the devs want more bounties that provide rank points, why not just give Shaxx and Drifter more weekly bounties that reward them? I believe Weekly Gunsmith bounties should give more than 1 core, the mod, weapon parts, and a Gunsmith-exclusive weapon.

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        • I see what bungie is doing. Their not nudging from their spot about cores because.... You guys while find something else to complain about and tell them to remove it. Thus keeping the circle moving until we rotate back to Year 1, Destiny 2. If you actually play the game for more then an hour or two a week this wouldn't be a problem at all. #justsayin 💁‍♂️

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        • Possible paths to enhancement cores: - heroic public events completed have a chance to drop a core - lost sector chests looted have a chance of dropping a core. - strike chests have a chance of dropping a core. - first time nightfall completions have a change to drop up to 10 cores - make it dependent upon scores. - crucible matches have a chance to drop a core. - raid completions have a guarantee of a specified drop but also have a chance for higher drops. Maybe what I’m saying is, integrate the reward into the blasted game’s content that we play regularly. If your worried about hoarding large quantities, put a decent cap on how many can be stored in the inventory - just like other items.

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          • Edited by Raevenent: 4/10/2019 9:41:06 PM
            Weekly should be 7, not one. I don't think this will be enough, why not have cores obtained when you level up past 50? Kind of like how Motes of Light functioned.

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          • these are changes are a good start, but we also need a way to earn multiple cores from one activity. for example, maybe get 3 from blind well heroic completions, 3 from completing 7 waves of ep ect. cores need to be earned from completing activities that players will be engaged in while completing their milestones or by doing high level activities. doing bounties for one core is what we already have in place and players are bored of this model of earning cores.

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            • One core for a weekly? Put the pipe down please there is work that needs to be done.

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            • Cores don't need to be removed from infusion. The 2 things that need to happen are: 1. People need to learn to be more economical with their overall use of cores 2. The drop rate needs to be increased. There have been steps in the right direction lately in making the cores available, but there can be more done. Like add 7 as a reward for completing the 100,000 k nightfalls, or getting 1-2 per heroic public event. They definitely can be added to certain activities. I personally don't have an issue with them, but understand where people are coming from.

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            • Nice

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            • I still have 1200 motes of light. Can I trade those in for cores?

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            • Edited by jenmc14: 4/10/2019 9:32:26 PM
              Thanks @DMG04, this isn’t enough but it’s a start. These need to be more rewarding. But, it still don’t fix the primary issue that Masterwork Cores should be for masterworking not infusion. I have over 1100 hours played in D2 and I’ve never masterworked a piece of armor due to core scarcity. This was a bad decision that it feels like Bungie is stubbornly holding onto.

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            • Edited by Addy: 4/10/2019 9:15:33 PM
              A terrible Idea. Maybe make the weekly reward 5 or 6 and daily 2. Also, DONT REMOVE SCRAPPER BOUNTIES! That is about the dumbest thing you guys could do... ORRRR...... Hear me out on this Bungie please.... REMOVE THEM FROM INFUSION FOR GOOD!

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            • The problem is still we are only earning one core for a single bounty. This does not and will not feel rewarding and/or tome spend completing a bounty to being rewarded to it. I will just assume if like the scrapper bounties many of these will not complement what we would be doing normally while playing. By this I mean we will continue to have to go out of our way to earn cores. This update would again make this revision and pointless to what the community is actually complaining about. Please adjust.

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            • If you're going to shift the burden to glimmer please consider raising the glimmer cap because right now a lot of things in game require it and now you're adding yet another thing that costs it. I would also add that shifting the burden for what enhancement cores cost isn't going to solve the issue we have at hand, instead it's going to make the resources players already have more strained. Scrapper bounties were obtainable for free, yes they were random drops but they were still free and obtainable from getting rid of gear you did not want. You're taking something that was free and giving it a price now, therefore adding another stress on player's individual economies and still not addressing the issue that the vast majority of players feel enhancement cores (for how rare they are) have no place in infusion. Also one enhancement core for a weekly does not feel worth it for the effort I expect it to take, other weekly bounties often reward a powerful piece of gear something far more substantial in comparison. I understand you intend on rewarding "rank points" and such but the point of these bounties is for enhancement cores. If I am doing these bounties I am doing them for the enhancement cores, if I want reputation, tokens or points for other objectives I will do those activities instead.

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            • Edited by Mijati: 4/10/2019 9:14:45 PM
              oO for a weekly we get 1 -blam!-ing core... wtf is wrong with u ppl ? are u completly out of your mind ? from 13 million sold copys u end up with arround 400k players, still playing and holding your ass above the water ....and u keep bitch slapping them in the face over and over again. as a player, i can understand the shitstorms u earn each day and i totaly agree with them. as a player i see only 1 solution to this . and as a player i say be happy, u dont see a 2nd anthem reaction by now. because if the whole community stands up and stick together , and we stop playing your game, than what ? what will happen to u, and your game ? there are 2 ways so far we all can go now : either U remobe cores from infusion like the community wants or we stand up and go on a strike

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            • I appreciate the efforts you are putting into the enhancement core issue, but I still think the most significant issue is there's only ONE enhancement core as a reward, even for weekly bounties. How about one core for the daily bounties and 3 or 5 for the weeklies? Infusion is such a core (no pun intended) mechanic to Destiny that inhibiting it by restricting the process with extremely rare materials just makes things less...FUN. As a player, I find weapons I can get comfortable with in PvE and/or PvP. Honestly, I can't wait to get to 700 power, but I don't want to be running around with an SMG, a Fusion Rifle, and a Grenade Launcher to do it. I want MY weapons. To be honest, I'd rather see you revert infusion for Legendaries back to what it was, with shards, glimmer, and planetary materials being the only cost. Use the cores for Exotics and for Masterworking. That way the mechanic still works for truly upgrading weapons/armor (Masterworks) but doesn't inhibit the player from playing the game the way they LIKE to play it. It's frustratingly disappointing to get sweet weapons or armor and not use them because the infusion process is restricted by ONE super-rare component.

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              6 Replies
              • Game is getting better, people still complaining.

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                • I'm not sure players want just an enhancement core here and a couple of mod components there. I would definitely suggest possibility 5 per sub-rank on Valor and keeping the 10 hitting Legend is good. I would recommend doing this for Gambit and also reward up to 10 enhancement cores or mpd components on completing a powerful drop on the nightfall strikes (similar to D1) the same way Three of Coins would drop sometimes when completing the activity. Doing small repetitive bounties for materials isn't exactly enjoyable, so I think it would be more rewarding for earning materials from grinding out ranks and powerful gear drops. Powerful gear drops should be a smaller amount on the smaller activities, (heroic story missions, daily challenges, ect) and should be a few more for running the harder powerful activities, (Nightfall 100k, completing a raid, ranking up in the crucible or Gambit). I guess my point would be, make ranking up and grinding harder activities more rewarding by giving us different amounts of enhancement cores or mod components for doing the longer grinds. The grinding takes up a lot of time spent as it is already. Players want to keep grinding and not be side tracked by a lost sector bounty or a public event bounty rewarding literally a few materials. It's honestly takes the fun away from the real grind. (Crucible, strikes, Gambit, The Reckoning, Raids)

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                • It would be good if the gunsmith also had a weekly bounty for one of his weapons with random rolls. Could have a chance to be a masterwork. Dont just make him 'mr enhancement core'. He is a character in the game. Hes the gunsmith. His main thing should be guns.

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