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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • Edited by BroMasterFlex08: 4/11/2019 12:58:17 AM
    Well, a step in the right direction 👍🏻 But, still skeptical 🤔

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  • Edited by Atoms_777: 4/11/2019 12:35:25 AM
    if you could lower the cost of buying mods from banshee and ada that would be great. or change ada to a set mod a day like banshee instead of RNG luck system.

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  • Edited by TJ_Dot: 4/11/2019 12:17:30 AM
    Almost thinking we should actually do this. Those aren't exploited btw

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  • REMOVE CORES FROM INFUSION..... however..... If you need to somehow keep them, these proposed changes are starting point, but more needs to be added. There's really only a few ways to level up, dailies, weeklies and prime engrams. This whole discussion is about leveling our gear. So instead of all these extra bounties, you need to add cores to all the milestones. +1 cores for dailies +2 cores for weeklies +3-5 cores for prime engrams. Also, since were talking infusion, reduce them to 1 core per infusion that requires it instead of the normal 2. This would be in addition to what we have now, not an end all, be all. I still think cores need to go, repeat, THEY NEED TO GO. But if you guys are set in your ways, this is a proposed change I would like to see. We get cores for going for our leveling engrams, and if infusion is reduced to 1 core there will be instances for extra cores to be put towards masterworking, which that's all they should be used for in the first place.

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  • Well. This is going over as well as a turd in the punch bowl.

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    • Edited by LouValhall: 4/10/2019 11:45:45 PM
      So let me get this straight...the daily bounties will reward one enhancement core...and the weekly bounty will [i]also[/i] reward one enhancement core? What kind of ludicrous barnacles is that? Like honestly even beyond Enhancement Core economy, that makes no sense.

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      • I like it. I hate E.C and Mod comp's. Cause they are extremely rare to get, making it feel like the grind is never ending. So I don't even bother investing any time trying to build any sets the way I'd like. leveling up sucks too. Hope this changes makes the game feel better. Next up. A vendor that gives us boons for our time playing that let's us buy any weapon, from any activity/raid/crucible/gambit ect. I think there are enough players on this game, that like one thing more than another. I love pvp only. When I try and play any other activity it becomes a problem. So I'll never obtain an item I'd like to cause of this problem. So a vendor, for our time playing. Could help players like me. ;)

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      • WOOOOOW. 1 Core. >_> You need 3 for an upgrade and 20 to masterwork an item. Give us 5 cores for weeklies and maybe you might be getting closer.

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        • Edited by BoomboxCollosus: 4/10/2019 11:06:42 PM
          Cores ruined the game for me. Haven't played since September, won't buy the pass or ever touch Destiny again until they are gone. Cores were a flat out STUPID idea, making something simple a huge pain in the ass for no other reason other than to pad out the game. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Played for 4 whole years and just had enough of this unnecessary, tedious BS with cores being the last straw. With Anthem waning you think that the devs would take advantage and give the players what they want instead of constantly throwing the brakes on fun and meaningful progress. Here's another "dumb" for ya.

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        • 1 Enhancement Core for Blind Well Tier 1 Daily Heroic Story Daily Bounty(Curcible,Vanguard,Vendor) Heroic Adventure Public Event 2 Enhancement Core for Blind Well Tier 2 Gambit match Each completed Strike or Curcible match Weekly Bounty 3 Enhancement Core for Blind Well Tier 3+Heroic Gambit Prime match 5 Enhancement Core for NightFall +5 extra Enchancement Core if you reach 100k per characters Shattered Throne 10 Enhancement Core for Completing Raid or Raid Lair per character Escalation Protocol There you have it and the Enhancement Core issue is solved.

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        • quality of life improvement to the game: 1. completing raid and all challenges offers you a exotic engram at the end. 2. zavala and shaxx both have 5 daily rotating weapon and armor pieces that have rolls that complements the vendors. 3. enhancement cores now are only required for exotic armor and weapons 4. add last wish raid vendor 5. 1k voices is now tied to a triumph and removed from rng 6. heroic public events now offer 10 planetary resources and 5 shards 7. bring back strike scoring 8. purchasable debuff from zavala that removes your light abilities for more of a challenge. 9. bring back armsday with unique perks that are only available through the bounty. 10. give xur the ability to change rolls on gear pieces through legendary shards. just a start feel free to add or change.

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        • Just remove core from infusion you could use the cores to evolve Y1 armors and weapons to forsaken levels so it would give everyone their own way to look and use their weapons and another thing bring back ornaments for the armors right now the iron banner and gambit has quite a bit of armor here's a idea get one set and you press the ornament button than you can scroll over whichever one you want that would solve some space in the inventory.

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        • I appreciate the update, and I do not envy you or Cozmo when you have to pass on information on these sensitive issues, but I think it is pretty clear where the community stands on this issue. I am guessing you already know the feedback you will be reading tomorrow. Basically, the problem is that you are treating infusion as an “impactful” decision when the vast majority of the community doesn’t agree with this position. Infusion is a necessary part of the game that players use on a regular basis. We want to be able to use the gear we want without taking a hit on power level or taking a hit on rare materials. In my opinion, one of the problems with cores being used for infusion is that I almost never masterwork gear. Masterwork cores were originally introduced as an end game material for an end game action - a reward for additional playtime. Infusion is not an end game action, but masterworking is. In year 2, I have never masterworked armor, and I have only masterworked 2 or 3 guns, and I play the game more than most. As it is now, I only upgrade a handful of weapons and a couple armor sets. Otherwise, I just hold on to cores for beginning-of-season infusion. It’s kind of ridiculous. I play the game a lot, but end up leaving most of my gear in my vault and under-leveled, and don’t even use one of the biggest end game mechanics – masterworking. The economy is somewhat dysfunctional for a player that plays the game a lot, and basically non-functional for people that do not play as frequently. Cores should be returned to their original purpose – masterworking – to allow players that play the game a lot to get a reward for their time investment. Take cores out of infusion, so all players can use the gear they want, not the gear the game forces them to because of RNG that gives them a poorly-rolled sidearm just in time for their first raid attempt. For now, the most frustrating part is not knowing when or if things will get better. The stubbornness on removing cores from infusion is just confusing. Even these gunsmith bounties won’t arrive until Season of Opulence in June. It is frustrating to have to wait until June for something that will probably fall well short of solving the problem.

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        • Edited by JadeDragon: 4/10/2019 11:36:27 PM
          About Enhancement Cores, They feel like they're an ARTIFICIAL MEANS to SLOW DOWN light level progression on our favorite gear. Aside the Spider Bounties and buying them from Spider, the other methods of acquiring Enhancement Cores is thru RNG (i.e. dismantling gear and scrapper bounties) which is awful. Infusing & Leveling our favorite gear should be rewarded thru steady, predictable work & effort, NOT RNG. If that was your aim of "impactfulness" then you've done your job. A majority of your playerbase and community find it a tiresome & unfun chore to acquire enough Enhancement Cores to infuse all their gear. Aside the following other things needed to infuse: 1) matching inventory category (i.e. Kinetic to Kinetic, etc.) 2) Glimmer 3) Shards 4) Planetary Resources Isn't that enough work required just to level? Now about these new Gunsmith bounties, Changing the acquisition from Gunsmith materials to Glimmer is a good decision. Glimmer is one of the easiest things to acquire. Adding on Mod Components as part of the reward. Is this the honey you're using to cover the salty & bitter aftertaste the community has about enhancement cores? Sure, it's nice, but it's not what the community asked for.

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        • Big +1 from me. Now if you guys could do something about the terrible glory system, I might want to play the game again.

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        • Edited by FakeAquila: 4/10/2019 11:49:28 PM
          You really need to make the award more cores, especially for the weekly bounties. If there are the standard 5 bounties I would say 2 per bounty so that you are at least able to infuse a few things relatively quickly, and the weeklies should give out 3. Or you could just remove them from infusing like literally everyone wants and stop pretending to be my parents telling how time I should spend in your game. Whatever. You should also look at adding ways to grind for guaranteed raid mods. With Gambit prime and Reckoning Taken armaments and Taken resistance is immeasurably helpful and it's a little irritating to have 40+ completions and only 2 of the former and 1 of the later. Edit: Completely of topic but why can't we just grind the raid over and over for rolls on armor and weapons, I get not letting anything past the first run be for power. I would also understand if you only got one or two drops after completion. But come on, I've been chasing an outlaw rampage Chattering Bone since the raids drop. I don't understand how you can have systems like the fun to grind nature of Ada's bounties and have the rest of the game be a depressing RNG wasteland.

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        • HaHa One Core for the weekly, so giving there Bungie

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          • This is a good change to our consistent feedback guys. They have design vision, not us. We ask for changes to tweak the game, and it's going pretty well. Chill the -blam!- out. Thanks Dylan

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          • "we don't have the resources" "we don't have the player base" "we don't know what we're doing" "we hired an investment team" "we failed"

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          • Edited by Combo164: 4/10/2019 11:37:05 PM
            1 core from the weekly? [spoiler]GG[/spoiler]

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          • We all know bungie is never going to remove cores from infusing, it keeps the(artificial) grind going which keeps people playing, this all equals bungie being able to point at a graph and say, "look there are still X number of players continuing to log in each day". We're doing something right, right guys?

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          • I honestly liked it better when Enhancement cores were Masterwork cores. As in it felt like a bonus masterworking my gear. I'm perfectly fine with plantery material in the fusion process... But enhancement cores don't really fit for upgrading gear... especially if the source is scare. you turned a bonus item into a necessity. Also please keep the scrapper bounties... good source for extra shards and material (if i remember if that was being removed or not)

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          • 13
            I get more cores from scapper bounties in a week than this. What a joke.

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            • Community manager?! Resign.

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              • What is the problem with removing cores from infusion? I definitely do appreciate you guys elaborating on your solution, but it’s not what we want.

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                • Only one core for the weekly? Why not 5 or so?

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