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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • Whenever I want a dose of disappointment, I just log into the forums and check your inadequate response and subsequent lack of response to the enhancement cores issue. The effort of logging into the actual game vs. the rewards of playing is still out of balance and insufficient. Hard to believe that D1 was such a great game and this mess of a game is the successor.

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    • Edited by GrizzlyTeeth: 4/29/2019 12:17:37 PM
      This is where I stand. I haven't played since Metro came out, since I started TD2 soon after. Tonight I thought I will try to log on and try to finally upgrade my warlock. As soon as I logged on I realized it will take a load of cores to upgrade my favorite gear and guns again, so I completely lost motivation. Went to Xur, used the fated engram and got a lord of wolves, which I don't have yet. No point doing iron banana since i will be crushed more than usual with my lower power level. I logged out and will check back later when there is an actual discussion on this. Bungie - destiny tracker show half of the players from the weekend and last week. It is less than 300k as of this evening for pve, and below 200k for pvp. This is the lowest it has been since forever. Even the pinnacle Iron Banner doesn't attract players anymore. Ignoring issues will not make it go away - just have a peek at Anthem and see what happened there.

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      • There is no economy. There is no need for this artifical grind for enhancement cores. MASTERWORK CORES were fine. If it could have given a significant bonus it wouldve been great. AND it could be rerolled. Enhancement cores do nothing but waste time. Im sure people want to use Edge Transit and snipers as powerful gear, but not a lot. People dont play a game sucking down time gathering useless resources. Whats the point of any other currency? Glimmer is useless. Everyone has thousands of legendary shards from thousands of useless engrams which for some reason are ALWAYS weak, never near your power level. In turn you can buy thousands of planetary materials, so now all of it is worthless if you have legendary shards, which engrams drop like candy especially for raiders. Enhancement cores make a false ceiling for grinding that does nothing but extend player time. I can ration well enough, but lose out on masterworking gear not because its 'meaningful' but because of this useless grind. People dont play with one loadout, theres easily 10-20 pieces of a gear people keep as a necessity, not 'meaningful choices' for end game, which devs keep pushing end game content because they catered to Season 1 of literally no end game. Now theres meat, but the mindset has not changed. Players want to shoot things, show off gear, and shoot more things. Not do chores. Forcing power levels behing timegated engrams was a mistake and the dev team implemented an actual solution. Now its RNG over peices of gear people complain about WHICH IS GOOD, thats the literal point of a loot game, to fight RNG and feel good when you win. This, is not good. Everyday thousand complain, but nothing happens. Literally the most active posts involve enhancement cores and its been a raging fire for months now. But hey, youre listening right. But since I dont stream the game or advertise it my opinion doesnt matter.

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        8 Replies
        • I strongly feel that enhancement cores should be removed for infusion. Bringing your favorite weapons/armor to a higher power level should only require basic materials, but when you do have your perfect roll, then use enhancement shards to "enhance" your favorite gear and make that investment to make that gear feel more valuable.

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          • Edited by BoldFaceChimp: 4/29/2019 12:48:54 PM
            Can’t get back into the game because of these poxy cores. Just point... Please lads for the love is sweet divine baby Jesus and all the saints.... just click the delete button and allow us play🤓

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            • 1. I try to do the enhancement core grind every week. I hate every second of it. So, for me, Bungie has created a negative feedback loop. 2. The enhancement core grind and powerful gear weekly stuff is essentially all I have time for. Like many of us, I have a grown man job and a family. This actively prevents me from fooling around with the new things Bungie adds to the game. They are hurting their own game with this garbage.

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              35 Replies
              • Raise the soft cap to -20 from max and change cores back to Masterwork Cores (used for masterworking only). Leveling is painful and customization is hindered by cores. You’re emphasizing the worst parts of rpg games - the slog to max power. You should be emphasizing the customization and build diversity after reaching max power. You’ve made a tedious chore list to get to max power, and then you’ve made it too expensive to experiment with builds once we get there - and you’re sending us back to the tedium of completing chore lists just to gather materials.

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                2 Replies
                • So when are you Bungie folks going to take your next turn in this discussion?

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                  • Im done with your stupid game you didn't listen to feedback and didnt fix anything but core exploit but left this tangled shore mess. I havent played since the last invitation because making content is too hard for you and its too much to bother fixing your mistakes. I am moving on to other games that are rewarding and fun to play. Your company took too much of my money for me to endure being insulted like this i ground out my armors just to look mismatched every time im leveling up and am not able to save up enough cores to masterwork anything. I regrettably am moving on. Great job killing the fun in my favorite game. 😞

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                    6 Replies
                    • You do not value our feedback. Point being there would not be discussion still about this. I myself did not grasp the full magnitude of the problem until I switched from PS to PC. At this point I still don’t have enough cores to do what I want and starting over the problem is so. Uhh greater. Yet you value our feedback to transfer the problem from 1 vender to another with no thought.

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                      • Edited by frankhail306: 4/28/2019 3:13:38 PM
                        Atleast warframe doesn't force you to use cores. Sure we have forma but atleast that has more impactful choices then your garabage cores. Mods too, not some random perks on guns and pray to god it's a "curated roll" you guys really disappoint me, saying "we're listening, but still cores are good" I couldn't take it eith your attitude to this community anymore. Pretending to listen only to constantly copy and paste something. And the meaningless level ups too. The stupid nerfs to stuff that didn't even need a nerf! I'm still salty about ice breaker nerf. I have no incentive to get lunas now, the new gambit is a joke. The rng is a joke. You guys really became something I don't recognize. It's why I invested more time in warframe than you. Sorry. Apparently my account was removed the minute I posted this :/

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                        3 Replies
                        • Thanks for the re-sticky. Now, remove Cores from Infusion. Don't sell it to us in Destiny 3. Don't try to coerce us into Season of Opulence or Year 3 of D2 with it. Don't even THINK to argue about it. Your players want them gone, you get them gone. You're an indie developer now. Players and fans are your lifeblood. If you want to see a return to the numbers you had at Launch and at Forsaken's launch, start with this. Just flip the damn switch and get it over with.

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                          11 Replies
                          • And not just the players Bungie is losing.

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                            • Edited by Seraph: 4/25/2019 9:21:23 AM
                              And we’re back... By now, Bungie should know what happens when they un-sticky this thread, or don’t offer up a replacement discussion ( or better yet, just remove Enhancement Cores from Infusion ). In truth, I’m not sure what else I can add to this discussion that hasn’t been said before either by myself, or another member of the community. Last month ( and in the months before ), I was super passionate about this movement. I’ve been boycotting Destiny ever since January in hope that Bungie would improve the quality of life in Destiny 2 ( by fixing progression, and removing Enhancement Cores from Infusion ), and for a long time, a part of me wanted to come back. But I’ve been gone for too long, missed to much, and I am no longer apart an active participant in all the things that are happening in the Destiny Universe, and I find that I just don’t care anymore about anything Destiny related. Destiny isn’t a game where absence makes the heart grow fonder. Destiny is a game the longer you are away from it, the less indoctrinated you become.

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                              5 Replies
                              • Remove cores from infusion. From INFUSION. Surely this cant be [b][i][u]that[/u][/i][/b] hard to implement or understand.

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                                6 Replies
                                • This really isn’t a discussion. It’s like shouting at a wall. It does nothing.

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                                  11 Replies
                                  • It’s funny how this thread disappears, the forum becomes flooded with posts about removing cores, and then this thread magically reappears. It’s as if Bungie thinks the issue has gone away and then they find out that players are still bent out of shape over the issue. Bungie needs to realize that their solution to the problem is inadequate. Additionally, their timeline for implementing their solution is insufficient. This issue won’t go away until Bungie does better.

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                                    9 Replies
                                    • This conversation has been going on since September

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • Everyday more people are losing interest in this game yet ur Dev team continues to bury their heads and pretend nothing is wrong. Instead they try and fool players by making them think moving cores from one bounty to a different one will solve the problem , how can this even be defended ? Or taken seriously. I’m starting to think it’s to late now to turn this game around , least not while the current Dev is allowed to continue on this path they have taken . They can’t be allowed to continue to ignore the problems ur customers have , surely it wouldn’t be to hard to put in a temporary fix , while having a proper discussion with the customers on how to get a fix that would suit everyone. Instead they keep making stupid decisions and staying silent and allowing the CMs to take all the shit for them . A big part of ur community is not happy with cores , it’s time to properly address this

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • Just remove them so I can come back for a bit.

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                                          • Edited by TYECO: 4/25/2019 4:25:26 PM
                                            I think we should upgrade our weapons by using them, similar to D1. And if people are so bent on keeping cores use them to fully upgrade a weapon to a masterwork. If people want to use cores to skip the upgrading process of using the weapon then fine, let them. So in this process I'd get a new gun and I can upgrade it to level 9 by simply using it or if I wanted, I could use cores to upgrade then and there. Then once it's a level 9, I'd have to use cores to fully upgrade it to a level 10, a masterworked gun. This way, we won't use cores upgrading weapons we don't know if we really like if we didn't choose to. This also keeps the cores if people are so bent on keeping them and uses them in a similar sense people are use to. Keep the way in which we obtain cores the same as it is now, weekly clan rewards, random drop, scrapper bounties, etc. Oh and the new gunsmith bounties I've heard about should still be implemented as well. Thoughts?

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                                            31 Replies
                                            • Remove them from infusion and I will throw money at the screen.

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                                              3 Replies
                                              • So when does this end ? D91? Even my 2 year olds gave up after 8 months

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                                              • Plain and simple remove them or lose community

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                                                • if you don't want to listen to the community, then just do whatever you want with your shit. I used to log in everyday and play a few hours, now I only do the ivitations of the nine, and, today I played the Iron Banner crap a little, just to earn the Talons of the Eagle that was brought by Lord Saladin. It was a very bad time playing it, because of the brokeness of the revelry shit, not mentioning every other disgusting aspects of crucible, like everyone using the same OP shit, or being matched against 6 stacked while solo, etc. And guess what, I couldn't masterwork my brand new Talons of the Eagle, because I had to use all my yellow shit cores to upgrade my gear's light level, otherwise my experience would be even more frustrating than it was! I don't know why you can't realize it. Anyway, gonna play other stuff less frustrating, and will comeback to the invitations, just for the story, wich is the only thing that still worth it, but when it's over, then goodbye, bungie

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                                                  • 11
                                                    You know. Dmg. I would like you to take this message to the dev team. And I want you to phrase it just like this. "The longer it takes us to just say "fine we'll get them out of infusion, you win" the stupider it is going to make ALL of us look. You stupider, me stupider, Cozmo stupider, this is making us all look like idiots. And the longer it takes us to just do what the community is never going to shut up about wanting us to do, the stupider we're going to look".... Give them that message for me.... Because you're going to have to say yes eventually, and the longer it takes, the dumber you're going to look doing it.

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