I’m super disappointed in how everything that is even mildly cool in eververse is now direct purchase only. That’s a pretty shitty move to not give players a reward to actually work for rather than pay real world money for.
Spare Rations ornament, Thorn ornament, and now these.
Pretty much. Forgot about the only good looking ship this season as well, and most likely the servitor shell that you can see in collections since it doesn’t show up in the engrams when you inspect them. This season is 100% a money grab. There hasn’t been anything worth getting on for to be honest, just to keep characters light level current.
Honestly yeah. Here’s to hoping this season is so drab because they’re putting all their time into Penumbra.
Fingers crossed. I literally only play right now because I haven’t found any other games that have caught my attention. It sucks :/
Play any Dark Souls/Bloodborne? Sekiro is a little different, but still the same love/hate/love to hate it game style
Couldn’t get into DS, I’m downloading the surge right now since it’s free and looked pretty interesting when I saw the launch trailer. I’m honestly considering finishing repairs on my pc and going back to WoW or some other mindless grind of an rpg.