blah blah blah minor buffs
blah blah blah minor fixes to issues without actually fixing anything worth noting
blah blah blah buy more $10 emotes from Tess
Guess you guys are still just expecting people throw money at the screen for shoddy work and minimal upgrade.
Oh well, 450k players across 3 consoles says it all, but I guess you guys are waiting til you hit 250k before anythings gets done.
I don't really understand why you people whine so much about emotes in eververse..... Like no duh they put a arc emotes in for arc week. Fortnite puts in 20 dollar skins like every other week it's a normal aspect of most games
Edited by KitsuneSonow: 4/5/2019 2:47:25 PMFirst, who the -blam!- brought up fortnite? Is that the only way you fanboys can make Destiny look good is by looking at a game that is doing worse things? Second, Fortnite is free to play Destiny isn't, people have shelled out hundreds for this series as is so it doesn't need micro transactions, especially ones that are worth 1/6th the price of the game. Finally, I love how all you fanboys call it whining whenever people bring up valid points about the game THEY PAID FOR because you have childish manner about things you enjoy acting like it is a personal attack when anyone says anything negative about it. But that all you fanboys ever have is insults and no real counter argument so I guess I can't blame you.
Actually, It's across 5 platforms. Destiny 1 numbers are also tracked.
Must be fun waiting for the TWAB every week so you can get your chance to tear Bungie a new one...what can I complain about this time?...
Nah, I just hopped back on here recently to see if anything worthwhile was changing and...not surprisingly...nothing is really getting any better and the issues people have presented are going ignored. On an unrelated note, what kind of boots do the people at Bungie wear? Seems like you would be the person to know since you spend every Thursday licking them.
Blah blah blah that’s all I read through whole post
Yeah, that dyslexia is a bitch....😬
I actually have dyslexia and yeah can be a bitch some times !
I read that it's butch....
Thanks for your opinion.