I've got some great ideas for you guys. Since you are intent on removing freedom, choices and want to dictate everyone's style of play, I think you might like these ideas.
1. In all activities, the game will randomly assign weapons in each a slot and lock it until it's over.
2. All exotics will be disabled until a boss appears.
3. Change the skill tree to offer one selection per subclass
4. Every shotgun ammo spent after the first one, automatically damages the shooter.
5. When invading with a Sleeper Sitmulant, screen goes completely black until the invasion is done.
6. Infusion Core costs doubled and drop rates halved.
1. And two of those weapons will be blue. 2. And they appear for 5 seconds. With 0 ammo. 3. No more subclasses. They offer too much freedom. Everyone is a Voidwalker, Sentinel, or Nightstalker now. 4. Shotgun blast does that IRL, so makes sense. 5. Any heavy or super does the same. 6. Triple it!
You would do well working in Bungie's sandbox. lol.