I have never seen a game with so much cancer in the last mission and in the final boss fight. I allready play on easy mode because I don't have the endurance to play on normal with this crap combat system, those idiotic enemy spawns and this awefull level design.
If I will ever get throught the boss fight at the end of the game, I will never touch it again.
The story is nice but the gameplay feels so disgusting. Even drinking axid makes more fun.
Edit: Finally beat it but it ended up my character alone shooting ballistic arrows over and over on the deamon till he died while I was absolutely low.
Edited by Altmith: 12/3/2018 3:11:25 AMThink your build and party make up may have been working against you... sorry to hear your experience fell flat. I loved the section there in Denerim. My biggest issue was making sure I landed the killing blow against the Arch Demon for the cool animation. What did you do with Alistair and the Anora?