I suffer from "deargodthisweaponisapieceofshit-itis" and was wondering if you could address this for me.
Thank you.
Symptoms of this disease:
Extreme disappointment, boredom, the x/square button being held while inspecting the weapon, disorientation and confusion.
[spoiler]No but seriously, it's a piece of garbage. Fix it.[/spoiler]
While we're at it, can we change the camera angle on Chaos Reach too? I physically cannot see my opponents/intended targets in most scenarios. And in PvP, it does about the same damage as Stormtrance, so you can't just completely sweep by people and graze them once for a kill. That Attunement's really fun because of how simplistic it is, but many console players share the same issue of it being "unaimable" because of how restricting the field of view becomes. I don't think it needs a damage buff, but something has to change about the camera at least.