The Redrix's Broadsword should have a higher base RPM. The Redrix's Broadsword is a great gun and with it's unique perk desperado it raises the RPM to 600 but what about the base RPM of 340. But the Redrix base RPM is too low. Quote from Datto: [quote]you have to be very passive first in order to get desperado active then you have to play hyper aggressive to take advantage of desperade[/quote]
Well I think you shouldn't have to play passive the way you play with the Broadsword in my opinion it should be aggressive to hyper aggressive. Why I think that is because when you were grinding for Broadsword you had to play aggressive to get those final blows and once you finish all the quest steps and redeem your Broadsword you get a passive base gun when you had to play aggressive to get the gun. The Redrix is also outclassed by too many other guns like the Chattering Bone or the Bygones it makes no sense to grind for the Broadsword when you can just get those guns. The Redrix should be like the Luna's howl. You grind for something and you get a god tier gun. How to make the Redrix's Broadsword to be a god tier gun like luna's is to upgrade the base RPM to something like 360 or 380. when I did the grind for the Broadsword I expected a god tier gun like Luna's but I got a Meh Pulse Rifle. The RPM should be raised. Thats all and I hope you agree with me.
You can two burst with it, then melt everything else