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10/10/2018 2:50:56 AM
I understand that he was you friend and all... and i know alot of you are going to disagree with 1 point im going to make. I as another military personnel, understand the things he has gone through and would thank him for the things he has done. I also do no feel bad when i say suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do. Like i said i know most of you disagree, but i mean really... cmon now. Taking your life literally hurts everyone around you. Your hurting your parents, lover, children, and your closest friends. Knowing that people still do it. Like i understand. People go through things. But there is literally nothing worth your own life. If you have ptsd or depression there are people to help you... especially military vets...

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  • [quote]I understand that he was you friend and all... and i know alot of you are going to disagree with 1 point im going to make. I as another military personnel, understand the things he has gone through and would thank him for the things he has done. I also do no feel bad when i say suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do. Like i said i know most of you disagree, but i mean really... cmon now. Taking your life literally hurts everyone around you. Your hurting your parents, lover, children, and your closest friends. Knowing that people still do it. Like i understand. People go through things. But there is literally nothing worth your own life. If you have ptsd or depression there are people to help you... especially military vets...[/quote]

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  • I really hate it when people say the whole selfish bs. Go learn something about depression. It isn't a feeling sad spur of the moment thing.

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  • This narrative needs to end, quite frankly. "Suicide is selfish". Completely wrong, man. Suicide from depression -can't- be selfish, because that requires the rational decision to do something to only your own benefit: the brain in the grips of uncontrolled depression is incapable of being rational enough to make that decision. And I want it noted that I said -clinical- depression, because there's a massive difference between being clinically depressed and simply depressed; one is caused by circumstances, the other is caused by a minute structural change in the brain that prevents it from producing the proper amount of neurotransmitters, thus preventing your brain from functioning in certain ways. When someone hits the bottom stages of clinical depression, especially if it's compounded with situational depression, the rationality and logic of the mind degrade. It's the same as rage, or panic, fight or flight: the chemistry of your brain is steering far more than your thoughts. It's not a 'snap out of it' moment, because your brain is bathed in a mixture of chemistry that quite literally [i]will not allow it.[/i] This is why counseling and medications are so important: one can help you reprogram parts of your mind through cognitive feedback and perspective shifting and the other tries to correct the chemical imbalances, thus allowing your brain to function more normally while you sort things out. But selfish? No. Your vision narrows to only be able to see this one thing, this becomes the only possibility. Nothing else makes sense, you're pointed toward it like an arrow. Once in a while, something else flashes in, but it's quickly dismissed in a storm of finality and despair. And you think of all the people that it will hurt, and that makes everything hurt worse. You think of how much this will hurt them all. And because your brain isn't functioning normally and properly, the fact that you'd be willing to hurt them all like this only fuels the fire; you see what a piece of wasted, pointless, terrible $#!+ you are, to be willing to do this to them, and that only makes it make more sense to die and leave them; if you're willing to do this, you just imagine the things that you'd do if you stayed alive. It's an uncontrolled illness, not someone just giving up for their own sake, get this straight. So please, do some research, even just an hour, and learn more about this. 'Suicide is selfish' is what people that have never truly been in danger of killing themselves says to other people. Even if you've had the gun to your head, if you aren't overwhelmed in despair or don't have an abnormal brain, your self preservation instincts were always going to stop you. Don't blame the victims that were betrayed by their own minds. Find ways to understand it more, and maybe you can be part of the solution, instead of someone that parrots a meaningless, unhelpful, and incorrect catch phrase after the fact.

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  • You are right, suicide is not selfish, its cowerdice.

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  • Most of the time, they can't really help it and don't see it that. Suicide is a side effect of depression mostly, and depression is generally something you need therapy out antidepressants to help with. So it was good Choice but it was due to a mental disorder

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  • Depression is an illness. People like you who trot out the "selfish act" line fail to understand they are not doing it based on any rational decision, they are mentally ill and so their decision making is completely broken

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  • It's possibly the only thing that is both selfish and incredibly brave, at the same time. Lots of ppl think about it, few actually have the balls to do it.

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  • It is in no way brave. It's cowardice. Just the opposite. Living is hard and deciding all I have to do is jump, take these pills, etc is literally saying "I never have to make another choice again. I never have to deal with the consequences of what I'm about to do. I never have to worry about how badly it effects the lives around me that could have also already been suffering." Cowardice. I feel for those who suffer this much depression but I feel no matter what your mental illness you still have a semblance of choice. Otherwise a drug addict would never recover. Some do and some don't. It comes down to their willpower. The choice to use again after a month or two sober is most definitely still a choice. And suicide is still a choice. We have to be responsible for our actions otherwise more and more fall down the dark path because they think they aren't responsible. Otherwise you might as well not hold a mass shooter responsible.

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  • Nope, very brave. I wouldn't have the balls to jump. I would chicken out every time.

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  • That makes you a coward in general. Too afraid to take the risk to find other options and too afraid to take the dive and end it.

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  • Edited by RichGhost77: 10/10/2018 11:44:15 PM
    Ooooh reverse psychology! Nope still not gunna jump, nice try tho 🤗

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  • It's not that you "don't have the balls to jump" we're not talking about stunts here or jumping into a big river. If you think "ehh I can't do it." It's probably because you have the will to live. Which isn't being afraid. It's literally more frightening to go on living until old age then it is to just go into nothingness. You could end up homeless or any other number of terrible scary things in life. Death is scary sure but only if you don't want to die. If you do it wouldn't be that scary.

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  • Calling suicide selfish is both ignorant and misinformed. Instead of judging try some compassion also we don't know any of the circumstances surrounding this so anything other than condolences seems insensitive to say the least also to OP sorry for your loss

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    Could have just given your condolences and walked away. But no, gotta get some jabs in on a dead man, a fellow vet no less. A lot of classless twits in this community, what a shame.

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  • And why do you think some people are allowed to make posts about someone's death on public forum while others are not allowed to comment on it with their own opinion ? If they didn't want public reaction on his death, they shouldn't post it online, epecially on video game forum. Its more of an attention seeking thread than actual memorial. I personally despise suicide, those people are cowards that make their family suffer because they were too weak or too dumb to live. Nothing will change my mind, but I do hope that one day you will realize how worshiping and idolizing fragility and stupidty in our community put our whole world on the path of destruction.

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  • For a sort of counter point, there are a lot of things that go through a person's mind before they end their life, and we may never know most of those thoughts, "selfishly" wanting out of bad times may be one of them, sure, but another is the feeling like nobody will care. A voice in the back of their head that says "nobody will miss you". Calling that act selfish only proves that voice right, and is a final disrespect to someone who died too soon. Chances are they believed nobody would be hurt, and that's just one of the many breaking points that caused things to play out as they had. There's no good in taking your own life, but making someone feel bad and guilty for feeling that way just makes things worse.

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