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Edited by zNapSack: 7/15/2018 9:42:55 AM
I don't really care about the loot either, nor do I care about getting there first. I do care about playing as a team. If it takes a couple of minutes longer, so be it. Usually the only reason I run them is to complete the Milestone. And that's easier and faster when three people work together as a team. The way they were intended to be played. I don't know if you saw it, but there was recently a post wherein someone claimed they preferred to stay back and kill all of the ads rather than run ahead with those who left enemies behind. I agreed that leaving enemies at your rear is generally speaking a bad idea and tactically unsound. Even in a video game. I don't like doing that. That said, it's more important to stay with your teammates. "Where we go one, so shall we go all." The best weapon, piece of gear, or whatever that you can possibly have - is the person next to you. And again, in my opinion, it's the same way in video games. We're not talking about an activity that can sometimes end up lasting hours which should only take a fraction of that time as long as everyone knows what to do, when to do it, where to do it and why they're doing it. We're talking about Strikes. So why run ahead of the other two. It's selfish behavior, pure and simple. Poor sportsmanship. You name it. There is no denying that. Sure, there are those who will try and justify it but it remains selfishness nonetheless if they're not alone. However, if one is alone then certainly, they're free to do whatever they want.

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  • Sounds like you’re in need of a fireteam that shares that philosophy. Sure I can settle with being selfish. But at the same time I’m playing the game the way I want and you are as well. Sometimes I choose to sit back and shoot and there are speed runners that go ahead, doesn’t bother me in the slightest because I like the challenge killing all the enemies myself when I’m in the mood for it What they do the team aspect you’re looking for is relative, and like you said your opinion, but again can’t really get upset at the play style of others when you’re in matchmaking when there are other options to randoms. Either way whether it’s speed-running or laying back. What the other two do is not really my concern if they die I’ll revive but them playing how they want to get to the boss shouldn’t be an issue as long as everyone knows once you get to the bossy all hands on deck regardless your “play style” or any “petty squabble” on the way there

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