Exotic Ghost, ships and Sparrows should be earned in game through quest and activities! Also it would be nice if exotic weapons and armour felt exotic. This is Destiny not a CoD space game. We are space wizards with guns!
I am actually surprised that the majority of gamers telling other gamers to just accept Eververse are missing the bigger picture. Even some of the Eververse haters don't really understand the deeper impact of Eververse. Eververse is Activision's & Bungie's "toe in the water" to feel out how well "micro-transactions" could do, will do, and how far they might be able to take it. It's the possible start of something bigger and worse, namely "pay-to-win." Think of Eververse as a litmus test basically. ActBungie want to see if the players will catch on or lay down and take it essentially. Players that can see beyond this just being "cosmetic" stuff for sale that doesn't effect the game, but can foresee the greater evil ahead, are speaking out. We already saw that Bungie was creating a position for a person or team to monitize even more things in the game. [url]https://gamerant.com/destiny-2-progression-engram-microtransaction-job-listing/[/url] This is why every gamer here should be saying no to Eververse. If you like this game and want to keep playing it, then you need to recognize Eververse as a threat to this game and it's future.