I ask this every so often, and no one has yet to give me a valid reason for it.
What in Eververse is pay to win? What in this system is not some form of mod or cosmetic? Someone please answer me this with exact detail, because so far I'm reading all these Eververse complaints and thinking how many idiots just complain to complain.
It’s not about it bring p2W. It’s about 109 items being locked behind a paywall in the last month. The amount of glamour gear / accessories / new armor sets that aren’t reskins that are actually earnable through gameplay is shockingly low, and the amount in the Eververse store is shockingly high. If you put half of those items in the actual game as rewards for strikes/pvp/raids/lost sectors/patrol chests, etc... you would have a much deeper endgame. The base game is barren and Tess’s shelves are stuffed to the brim.