Exotic Ghost, ships and Sparrows should be earned in game through quest and activities! Also it would be nice if exotic weapons and armour felt exotic. This is Destiny not a CoD space game. We are space wizards with guns!
Thats why warframe is better
I am actually surprised that the majority of gamers telling other gamers to just accept Eververse are missing the bigger picture. Even some of the Eververse haters don't really understand the deeper impact of Eververse. Eververse is Activision's & Bungie's "toe in the water" to feel out how well "micro-transactions" could do, will do, and how far they might be able to take it. It's the possible start of something bigger and worse, namely "pay-to-win." Think of Eververse as a litmus test basically. ActBungie want to see if the players will catch on or lay down and take it essentially. Players that can see beyond this just being "cosmetic" stuff for sale that doesn't effect the game, but can foresee the greater evil ahead, are speaking out. We already saw that Bungie was creating a position for a person or team to monitize even more things in the game. [url]https://gamerant.com/destiny-2-progression-engram-microtransaction-job-listing/[/url] This is why every gamer here should be saying no to Eververse. If you like this game and want to keep playing it, then you need to recognize Eververse as a threat to this game and it's future.
remove... [spoiler]deez nutz[/spoiler]
All Bungie had to do was swap in the Dawning Engram as the 'XP level up' reward. With the 'well rested' buff helping out for the first three. Players win by being able to collect multiple Dawning Engrams per character, all through the event, by playing the activities they want. Bungie win by people grinding away and playing the game. Seems a really obvious way to have handled it if you ask me.
Before you read, just understand that all of the following are my opinions. Don't get triggered. Bungie has the balls to hide not just dawning exclusive items but most of the items in Destiny 2 behind a microtransaction system. Are you taking the piss. It doesn't matter if they're selling the exotic ships for bright dust. None of that does. What matters is the fact that there is no way to obtain these items by playing the game normally (strikes, raids, crucible, etc). Going with the bright dust logic, you can obtain the items by opening bright engrams and then discarding specific stuff that gives the dust (or getting it explicitly). What the hell. You're not even guaranteed items that give bright dust or bright dust in general when you open engrams. The whole system is flawed--we should be able to get everything that the game offers through base game activities, just like in Destiny. Also don't give the bs argument that they're just cosmetics. Well, guess what, the game offers nothing BUT cosmetics. It's the only thing to grind for and its the only thing that can help increase the longevity of the game. If they add more endgame activities without the loot, then there is no point in doing those activities! We won't get anything specific or something we want from the activities. Ok, I understand that some exclusive items are behind paywalls, BUT WHY THE HELL ARE OVER HALF THE ITEMS BEHIND A GOD DAMN PAYWALL. At least put 80-90% of them within base game activities. Also for those who say that they don't have the time to grind because of work, I can understand that. But what about the people who do have time? They should also have a way to grind for the items, not just being forced to buy them. Lastly, I saw a comment where a guy said that bungie will be busy with fixing tess, but not other significant problems. And I really don't understand this comment. The greatest problem in the game lies within its endgame. If they allocate the Eververse items within the game, then that will literally fix the whole endgame issue, causing more players to come back and maybe its hard-core fan base. Obviously the Eververse problem can't be fixed easily as it would require mass changes of the game's economy. But it is definitely possible. We need to stop Bungie from continuing any more BS. We need to voice our opinions for the best of the game. Otherwise, Bungie simply won't give a single crap and continue to utilise Eververse. If bungie won't listen, let's make them listen. #Remove Eververse
Don't buy silver its actually pretty easy thing to do
#removeyou What you -blam!-ing morons don't realize is bungie is gonna come back from vacation, and spend it's time fixing tess. They won't get to fixing some of the glaring real problems with this game. I swear you -blam!-ing stupid ass idiots, are the reason why destiny has been going in the wrong direction, and you are too dumb to realize it. #removedumbasses
[quote]Exotic Ghost, ships and Sparrows should be earned in game through quest and activities! Also it would be nice if exotic weapons and armour felt exotic. This is Destiny not a CoD space game. We are space wizards with guns![/quote] you can earn them, you simply have to play the game... I've bought for my titan and played for my hunter,warlock. it's cosmetic, it's not hurting anyone... if gta didn't make so much money every single day for actual pay to win items in the game then I'd be completely on your side, but the fact is this has been going on for such a long time it was simply inevitable... it's just like you hear in the tower, times are changing, best to simply come to grips with it and move on. if you want something in the collection they offer, they've given us two way to obtain it, either pay or PLAY... my 2 cents anyway. edit: no edits *this isn't a published work so no smell checking has been applied, nor has grammer. my apologize for that... in advance I will appreciate all help with making this look more professional! [spoiler]no spoilers [/spoiler]
Go play something else, ask for change not removal. And it's 3 weeks still one week to go which means 27 free things to grind for
I’ve gotten plenty of the above without paying a dime to her
Transparent about what? You're shitposting without even saying what you expect them to be "transparent" about. Ffs man, did you even read that before you posted?
Seriously? She’s got two exotic ships now for 2000 bright dust which is an easy purchase with the bright dust you should already have and you’re whining about this?
100% agreed
No. Keep it.
Alright, I'm a new player. I don't really see the big deal in this Eververse thing. I spent about 40$ on it, just to check out what's in there. But I just mostly get cosmetics. I mean I like having cool looking stuff. But I don't really see items that improve your stats greatly. Like if it was pay2win, that would be a different story. But I don't see how it is that damaging to the gameplay. I'm level 25, finished the first campaign. I work full time (60hrs/wk), and lets just say I don't really have that much time to play games, but I love to play games. I think its nice to enjoy the game when I have the chance, and buying stuff makes it kind of easier to get stuff if you can't spend 24/7 playing the game. That's why I quit WoW. So really, I think people need to chill. I think its nice they can cater to people that can only play casually. When I have the chance to play, I play Destiny 2. They just need to create expansions every year to make level cap higher, and it could be a continuous game like WoW, with different raids and powerful loot. That would be cool. If you guys aren't happy with endgame content, then demand endgame content, don't blame a cosmetics shop.
Completely agree. No one can expect the armour not to be behind a paywall, but ghosts, sparrows, ships and shaders should be in game where they belong. Come on Bungie don’t be greedy !!
Bumped for your exotic line.
so... if they remove eververse, what happens when we level up. more shards? sounds fun.