Welcome to the Squadgang!
We are an English speaking clan with a strong SG and Aus core.
We have heavy experience in both PVP and endgame PVE content in both FPS's and MMO's and most importantly D1. We are a fun-loving guild who is open to guiding new players and helping them with strats/levelling and all the good stuff.
We are looking for like-minded players who will help us further the clan and contribute to shared rewards, aiming for full completion weekly (clan is now max level and is earning all weekly rewards).
We do several raids (both leviathan and eater of world) weekly depends on our member time slots and requests.
A player from our crew is normally someone who can be both casual but "pro when it matters".
Come on down for trolls and pews - all bro's and sis' allowed from all backgrounds and ages (I just feel bad for your lag if ur joining us from further away)
(Discord is provided but not mandatory)
P.S being a general dick will not be tolerated
edit: most of the clan have switched to discord due to the clunkyness of the clan web chat so pls just put a line in the discord chat and drop ur btag in the btag channel if ur looking for a group. (disc info is in the clan private forum,or pm me if u cant find it)
Interested Parties pls:
1. Upvote the post
2. Drop your battletag in the comments (and maybe a little something about yourself)
3. PM me if your thinking of bringing a few friends so we can help with logistics
4. We use discord as our main channel of communication so if you want an invitation you can add me at Dyne#1218
clan page: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2762146
AhTa#11261 Hi looking to join an active clan. I play around 15-25 hours a week depending on school and work. I am looking for a clan that does raids and trails as this was a problem with my clan not being active anymore. I play D2 casually but have experience playing other fps' competitively. Currently only have one character I play which is hunter at 229 light. Working on a warlock as well.