norringtonRM, Blood Red Ed, UnwindAbyss7, & monkey so fresh [DNF], loaded into a mayhem match against 3 warlocks with the top tree Nova Bomb and we were instantly bombarded with Nova Bomb after Nova Bomb. It made the game completely unplayable, even for mayhem. Please fix this and take action against players using this exploit. All players on opposing team have been reported for exploiting the game using the in-game reporting system.
[b]My point of view:[/b] [url][/url]
[b]Destiny Tracker of match[/b]: [url][/url]
[b]Instructions on how this is done[/b]: [url][/url]
Bungie wont fix it till after the Dawning event. Basically they have yet again screwed the pooch and instead of fixing it to make the game playable....they decided to do nothing. .....some one please remind me why we support this company again?