Whether you wanted to change the appearance of the character, I would like to be able to edit my character, maybe for Bright Dust or free.
This one thing I will up vote for!!! We need more depth
As if we have to ask them this. PLEASE UPDATE THE CHARACTER CREATOR FROM 3 YEARS AGO. What a bunch of idiots.
Ghost voices tho. We need the ghost voices
Edited by CresterOts: 12/9/2017 10:29:24 PMI just read that "Whether you wanted" part in Zavalas voice and was fully expecting the full quote.....I am somewhat disappointed 😞.
People have been requesting this for years.
I need facial hair ffs!! Its been 3 years and weve got none
Pretty satisfied with the way my character looks. Spent like 20 minutes on it four ish years ago
Funny, we were just talking about that the other day. Deleting a character and starting over came up and everyone in the chat just groaned and said no way.
I definitely want to. Will Bungie actually see this relevant poll among the cancerous hatred? Doubtful but worth a shot
I was very disappointed when the customization features for D2 were the exact same for D1...
You do realize that we'll need some sort of incentive to actually do this right? New customization options are needed, I really fricking hate the fact that they carried so much over from D1 without any change, and this one of them. Besides, why would you need to change the look of your character? Just deposit your loot into the vault and create a new one, it doesn't take that much to get back to max level, especially if you work on quests and stuff. I mean sure it'll be great, but there isn't enough content in the game to actually keep the same character and play as him for your whole destiny career.
The tower staff must get their hair cut somewhere.
I’m sure it’s “in the works” because eververse wants that pocket change.
Bungievision: Why of course valued customer, for one easy payment of 9.99 you can roll a chronocosmetic engram for a chance to change one (1) of your features! :)
Everything you see on this thread is a potential fire hazard.
And we would have something worthwhile to do instead of the crappy raid,we need haircuts not shaders !
Although I really don't have any complaints about my guardians' individual appearance per se, I wish the character customization options went much deeper than they were. Extremely scant when compared to games like Bloodborne, Saints Row iv, etc. Furthermore, I have seen some player's guardians that look like they belong in a zoo, making the option for appearance respec a necessity.
and a more robust character customization system
Really? I cannot understand the nature off this post, I could if the character creation tools were less linear, but, if all your asking from this game at its current state is in fact a hair cut and make up! Then I’m guessing you just want to look nice while you run around and kinda rushed your initial choice! Doesn’t say much about the game on this level either, it’s obviously, just shit!
I just wanna give my exo a new paint job
At the very least I'd like to be able to not see my characters' faces. I have the option toggled to always have a helmet on and yet sometimes I see the faces that looked alright in D1 but for some reason don't look so hot in D2. I mean frakking hell my Hunter no longer has eyebrows! Good lord just hide that shit please. Helmets 100% of the time.
Please! I need mine to look like a CRACKED OUT TWO DOLLAR WHORE!
This is just comical. Things we wanted for D2 after D1: •Customize our character's •remove aim assistance from stickies •fire Josh Hamrick NONE of those things happened
Yes please. Back in Destiny 1 I had to beat the game twice as a Titan just to change the look. Then a few more times for the other characters. It would be nice to be able to constantly or even periodically customise your character. We customise guns, armor, ships and sparrows all the time. My character's looks are an important part of that customisation.