I'm not, I'm just simply pointing out how the gamers that are telling the OP to get a life are the same gamers playing Destiny and it's the only game they have played in 3 years. It's quite entertaining to see the dumb remarks lol
5000+ hrs is still pretty crazy though
Edited by TheShadow-cali: 11/27/2017 7:54:58 PMSo, go look at other games that gamers have a lot more :) And if you have been playing destiny for 3 years, you are going to have a lot of hours because of both PvP and PvP. Look at other games that are only PvP and gamers have a lot more hours put into it. Take Halo Reach for an example on how long it takes to level up to Inheritor I think it's called. BO's How many prestige modes? Should I go on?