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11/16/2017 4:42:27 PM

Suggestion for future content

Let me preface this with I am new to Destiny because I am a PC player. Now onto the suggestion: I think that a system like Diablo 3 Greater Rifts or WoW's Mythic + would work perfectly in Destiny. You halfway have it with the affixes swapping weekly on the Nightfall Strikes. I believe if there were a key based system that allowed groups to progress in difficulty with random weekly affixes it would give something to really work towards. With the increase in difficulty each time the key is completed on time, the light level of the drops should also raise in light. Although it would be recycling content to do this, with the added difficulty each time the group completes on time it offers some sort of progression outside of raiding that can be done indefinitely. The indefinite part can have variations to it, maybe each player only gets 1 key per week and once its failed it gone. There could also be a system to restore a failed key by redoing that same key over again and upon completion in the allotted time it would restore. The restoration runs could also give little or no loot as a bit of a tradeoff and consequence of failing. The only issue I can think of with it is light level has somewhat of a low ceiling at the moment and it seems like that is essentially the time gating for Destiny. The real increases in light level come with the milestone completions and outside of that it is a bit sluggish. Building on that, there could also be a weekly chest like WoW does that gives the 1 item at reset for the light level that is equivalent to however far that person progressed on a key the week prior. Right now, it feels like a lot of what I do in game is for naught. Once the raid is completed there is no real new goal. A system like I just outlined would add something that everyone could get a feeling of accomplishment from week after week. It also opens the door for a leader board with best times per level of key which gives something else to work at and feel good about. I believe mythic+ in WoW was a huge part of its resurrection with the latest expansion and I think the same type system has a ton to offer in a game like Destiny. I have played MMO's and progression based games for a long time and having something to work at constantly is what has kept me on these sort of games the longest. I understand I may get some hate from people that are currently bashing the game. I think Destiny 2 has some real potential and I am just offering my two cents based on prior experiences similar type games. I hope you all are having a great week. Thanks for your time if you made it this far. tldr; Keystone based endless progression system like WoW or Diablo with increasing difficulty upon completion on time. It would have rotating affixes that change how you go about them from week to week (sort of like Nightfall). It would give something to do that is repeatable whenever your out of milestones and raid content for the week. Could have some kind of leader board associated with completion times / level of key completed for the week. P.S. Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. This has just been on my mind and I rushed through typing it so I can get back to work on school stuff.

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