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11/3/2017 9:21:25 PM
I don't think it's easy comparing a 30k dollar car transaction with a 60 dollar video game transaction. If you go to a restaurant and receive bad service, some might write a post about it, some might simply never return. Some may return to try it again when new management takes over. Only an insane person would flood their page with bad reviews daily for years and years. Telling them their menu isn't good and what direction they want the business to take with the menu and succession plans, etc. It makes more sense for a game. All in all, this is entertainment. The only relevant comparison is with other entertainment industries. Aka music, and maybe television shows. It's not about the product but the entertainment it provides. It's highly opinionated. Not agreed upon by everyone. What i like, you might not, and so on

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  • Whether I buy a $5, $60, $1000, or $30000 item I expect a worthy product as advertised with some proper customer service and some loyalty from the maker to it's clients. It's common sense.

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  • Edited by BaconRiot: 11/3/2017 10:29:48 PM
    tbh it doesn't even make sense to do that for a video game. Everyone on here is displaying what appears to be a certain form of masochism. I wonder if they're even capable of liking this video game or if they even want to.

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  • Ya I don't think that's everyone. But I see it. So much that I guarantee no matter how bad anthem is, no matter how little content there long as there aren't 1 million bugs that make the game freeze every 10 seconds, the people writing about how garbage this game is, will say how great anthem is purely due to it being something new and they already said they would love it.

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  • What if it is undeniably worse than Destiny, what then? Do they migrate to that website to complain or do they stay here and not talk about anthem? Is bungie hate an actual hobby now? Hell I've complained about bungie on this website for somewhere near a decade now, but lately... Everyone is making mountains outta molehills in their gaming experience.

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  • Edited by Grzzld-Gamer: 11/3/2017 10:17:27 PM
    Poor, poor, disillusions...

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  • I really tried reading that. But there are so many broken apart sentences and repetitive errors. It's very hard to understand your point when it looks like you pasted something and the format didn't transfer properly. It d oesnt really make sense. Your first comment made more sense than that one. And it looked like you were mostly talking about d1, not d2. But again, I can't really tell, it's hard to read, and find your point because of the formatting. All I'm saying, there is a spec list for cars. If I started making comparisons about consumers of cars, restaurants and video games, it would be an absurd comparison. Imagine someone saying your menu isn't diverse enough for me to eat here everyday for both lunch and dinner. Even if I eat different entrees, I still get sick of the food after eating there 14 times in 1 week. I love this place but there's just not enough variety.... People would think you're off your rocker for eating there all the time and expecting not to get sick of it in less than a week. I understand what you're saying about the line lowering. Personally, I have much more important issues to worry about and choose to fight than video games. And I have no life. But video games? No I buy them for entertainment. And when they no longer entertain me, I buy a new game and play that one. How do I voice my opinion of not being entertained anymore? They no longer see me in the pool of players. I didn't buy this game so I could inform bungie how it is. I bought it to have fun. If it's not letting me have fun, the last thing I'm gonna do is let that disappointment waste even more of my time by coming here daily to remind the public of how dissapointed I am. I'm going to do something else I enjoy. I smoke cigarettes and I come here when I'm outside smoking. It's this or Facebook. Facebook is toxic with real issues. This is toxic with stupid issues. Hence why this is less stressful and angering to read for me. Hate a game, I don't care. I don't wanna read people being racist and telling poor people should die and cops should die and all that shit.

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  • Edited by SgtMac31253: 11/3/2017 9:58:43 PM
    I agree. I paid my money for " entertainment". I do the same at the movie theater. I take my family of 4 there so we can be entertained for 1-1/2 hours, and I know it's way over priced. I may not even enjoy the movie. I just want to be entertained. Do I feel I've been entertained for the price I've paid thus far? Sure. I've played the game for almost 2 months on and off in my down time and for almost 2 months it's like $1 a day. The game has some serious flaws and I'd be lying if I said I was 100% happy with it. But I was entertained.

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  • So did I. But saying that makes me a fanboy somehow. Because I don't hate a fan of it.

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