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11/3/2017 6:34:14 PM
This isn't a salty post or a bungie-luv post either. It's a serious question about the mentailty of consumers today. I noticed this division on the forum of people either accepting the product as it is or others calling out the maker for faults that clearly and/or assumingly exist. What's odd is that the "accepters" acknowledge some of the faults, they know there are problems, but not only accept them, they defend them! Even go as far as giving the excuses for the maker of the product. As an active commission only sales person for decades, I would have loved these types of consumers! They never existed though. At least I never came across them. If I ever sold an inferior, faulty, or falsely advertised product I'd either loose the customer, refund, exchange, or something. Look, when an automaker makes a car, they won't advertise the seatbelts. We assume they are with the car. We don't expect to pay extra for them as an add on later. Also, if the previous model had lights, windshield wipers, and wheel, it's assumed those would be on the new car as well. We also assume that after making a previous model or models, the newer version will have advancements and be fine tuned from the previous model. Problems from before would be no issue anymore. If the maker advertised, said, or in some way conveyed the car would get 40 mpg, we'd expect to get at least 40 mpg. If we buy the car and only get 30 mpg, there would be a class action lawsuit and recall (true story). I can't imagine a new car owner saying, "...well the last model was faulty too and it took them three years to get to fixing the several issues my car had. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt again, and this time let them get to the dozen of issues with this newer model over the next three or four years. Maybe the next model will be better! I'll preorder once again." Most normal, logical, sensible people would never give that automaker another look. Seriuosly, I can not imagine that anyone on these forums would accept poor service at a restaurant, lousy customer service at a store, willingly be okay with a faulty mattress purchase, or anything of the sort. I understand this is just a game, but there is still a point here. When did people start becoming so compliant? Just accepteing the slop plopped in front of them? These "accepters" are called "lay downs" in the sales business. Can you imagine the spouses they settled for? The cars they drive? I'm just imagining them sounding like Eeyore with their gloomy, depressed, anhedonic retorts of "that's the way it is." I honestly think it comes down to this. Sometimes we fight with ourselves, and defend ourselves from others, for being so stupid as to fall for the same trick. We don't want to look stupid, so we devoutly defend our decision. The "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." is a tough pill to swallow. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

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  • IMO, part of the acceptance response is to relieve cognitive dissonance. Their attitude follows their behavior. They are playing the game, because it provides them with the rewards their brain craves. And their conscious brain rationalizes it for them after the fact. Amateur psychologist over and out.

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  • You just described the reason for playing any video game ever made.

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  • Probably.

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  • [quote]IMO, part of the acceptance response is to relieve cognitive dissonance. Their attitude follows their behavior. They are playing the game, because it provides them with the rewards their brain craves. And their conscious brain rationalizes it for them after the fact. Amateur psychologist over and out.[/quote] Absolutely. I enjoy the fact that I can log on for 2-3 hours and completely zone out so that I may decompress from the daily grind of real. I have no problem saying there’s some things that I would change about the game, but its nothing sooo terrible that I’m going to stop playing now and again, or try to develop a game myself.

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  • Edited by Shatterday: 11/3/2017 10:45:36 PM
    You decided to go in to major detail about an analogy...trying to compare it to Destiny. So...if this car maker...walked out and left. Leaving others to attempt to "piece" the car together the best they could. Would you give those people the benefit of the doubt, and knowing they "pieced" it together for YOU. Would you be willing to understand, or would that be to "compliant" for you? If that's "compliant" - when people do everything they could to "piece" "patch" whatever you want to call it together, to deliver to you - Then yes, I'm compliant. Now, since you watched these people work hard, to "piece" your car together again, you wouldn't give them the opportunity to start fresh on a brand new car?

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  • This wasn't a kickstarter, so no. I don't care about the businesses internal conflict. If they promises a certain product and didn't deliver they should be held accountable. You can bend over and take it, I wont. Your response reinforces my points perfectly. It's hilarious. Proves my point that because of consumers like you, companies are getting away with lack luster subpar products and nothing is being done about it. Enjoy your assimilation.

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  • D2 is a Kickstarter. But you so blind, and misinformed. You not only can see the opinion of call it "bending over" just because they restarted the franchise. If it's a custom car and the custom maker of the car walked out, you'd have to start over making the cars. If you didn't accept that fact, then you shouldn't of been on these forums, much less bought the game.

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  • Lol, this. You couldn’t have used a worse analogy as much of the stuff is federally mandated. A better analogy would be you going to buy a Hyundai with the expectations that its going to be a BMW, then complaining relentlessly that its not the car you expected it to be and demanding the Hyundai make you a BMW because thats what you wanted the car to be. Sounds a bit ridiculous doesn’t it. At the end of the day, these companies don’t owe you anything. They make a product and you either buy it or you don’t, and if the product is consistently bad, the company tends to go out of business. Some of us “lay downs” realize that it is a video game and there are WAY more important things in life to fight for.

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  • shallow minds can't grasp a concept. this game IS for you!

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  • I was thinking the exact same thing while reading his comment.

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  • Look cut this shit, we have the internet now and we can communicate freely and openly while sharing opinions. We dont need to go to the library or knock on doors to find out other opinions. Gone are the days of ignorance you so obviously like. Developers and digital product makers are the biggest cowboys going.

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  • this game IS for you!

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  • Lethal got butthurt? Ya knew it was gonna happen. Can't troll this long without it happening.

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  • Yeah, unfortunately, your opinion is available to all of us on the internet too.

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  • 100% true. There's brand loyalty, and then there's delusional thinking.

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  • D2 is a Ford Pinto, confirmed.

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  • More like the maverick.

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  • Too much logic.

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  • While your analogy falls short I see what you are trying to get at. At the same time just because someone likes something you don't doesn't mean they are "accepters" as you call them. I like the game, it has problems and so I post about those problems like a grown adult in hopes they will shape the game more to my desires. The problem is anyone who is enjoying them selfs weather they want changes made or not gets attacked by fellow gamers who have a different opinion and treated as if they are mentally retarded for enjoying something they other person did not. Opinions are just that opinions and you cant argue opinions as if they are fact.

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  • The facts stand. They are facts. What was originally shown and promised from 2008 until release are not the products we have today. Not opnion. Fact. But keep swallowing what Bungie spoon feeds you!

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  • Edited by Rainstater: 11/4/2017 9:54:19 PM
    [quote]The facts stand. They are facts. What was originally shown and promised from 2008 until release are not the products we have today. Not opnion. Fact. But keep swallowing what Bungie spoon feeds you![/quote] No you're talking opinions. Your entire analogy is based off two parties and their differences of opinions on the game. One is acting childish and selfish the other is accepting of what they received but like the first group also wants changes. Group A acts like children posting trashy comments and topics acting like they are correct and every one else is an idiot for not agreeing with them. The other group also wants change but is trying to get things changed with out acting like children. Both parties are arguing based apron their opinions of what they would like in the game. You fall into the first group that uses insults and put downs to try and force your opinion as a fact. Then people like you get super salty if anyone even slightly disagrees with you and use insults like you just did at the end of your comment. The more you lower your self to insults the less your opinion carries worth and the less likely you will get others to swing to your side.

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  • I don't think it's easy comparing a 30k dollar car transaction with a 60 dollar video game transaction. If you go to a restaurant and receive bad service, some might write a post about it, some might simply never return. Some may return to try it again when new management takes over. Only an insane person would flood their page with bad reviews daily for years and years. Telling them their menu isn't good and what direction they want the business to take with the menu and succession plans, etc. It makes more sense for a game. All in all, this is entertainment. The only relevant comparison is with other entertainment industries. Aka music, and maybe television shows. It's not about the product but the entertainment it provides. It's highly opinionated. Not agreed upon by everyone. What i like, you might not, and so on

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  • Whether I buy a $5, $60, $1000, or $30000 item I expect a worthy product as advertised with some proper customer service and some loyalty from the maker to it's clients. It's common sense.

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  • Edited by BaconRiot: 11/3/2017 10:29:48 PM
    tbh it doesn't even make sense to do that for a video game. Everyone on here is displaying what appears to be a certain form of masochism. I wonder if they're even capable of liking this video game or if they even want to.

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  • Ya I don't think that's everyone. But I see it. So much that I guarantee no matter how bad anthem is, no matter how little content there long as there aren't 1 million bugs that make the game freeze every 10 seconds, the people writing about how garbage this game is, will say how great anthem is purely due to it being something new and they already said they would love it.

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