What I said in that post is still true today. None of the 3rd party overlays or performance tools like Discord, Xsplit, OBS, RTSS, etc. will cause a player to be banned, you can read more about that [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46101]here[/url]. If you are trying to attach cheat tools, debuggers, or manipulate games files, those are things that can result in a ban.
You can read more information about our security here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/46426
This article also has a lot of information about bans what kinds of things can get you in trouble: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11929
Edited by Megrallo: 10/26/2017 7:26:18 AMI answered that. Just read
Because people don't fund multi billion dollar comapnies to move on every month.
So they fund them to make themselves upset indefinitely?
They aren't funding them for anything. They are purchasing a game that is suppose to be something that it clearly isn't. So they come on here to tell them.
That's not what the guy did though. He commented to tell cosmo that they're not doing anything & that he's upset.
They commented to say the game has issues and is slowly dying and the Devs are not doing anything. It doesn't matter what I or anyone says, you will twist it to suit your own logic. Maybe you should stop being concerned with people that are frustrated and practice what you preach and move on.
[quote]They commented to say the game has issues and is slowly dying and the Devs are not doing anything.[/quote]I just said that lol why would I move on? I like the game.
I got pissed at Cozmo once. He answered my of my post and his answer felt like if he hadn't taken the time to read my post. He just gave a generic answer that he copied and pasted from somewhere. It took me a long time to realize, he does the best he can. I imagine he goes through a lot of information a day, and I can't hate him. He alteast answered, and Bungie eventually patched what I was complaining about.
Edited by PreUsedSoap: 10/26/2017 8:22:06 AMim sorry but the 30seconds it would take to reply to a post doesnt seem that valuable to him. when he doesnt seem to mind replying passive agressively to some random player that called him out on his bullshit
kinda seems like your having a bitch fit at some random player who called you out. i feel bad for you. Attempting damage control by out right lying. You might not actually be lying but due to the past and thelies and lack of response most people just think your all a bunch of scumbag cash grabbing monkey boners
You should be fired
yeah your game sucks
Cozmo, you're the best :)
Cozmo, where is my helmet?
Ooohh, sexy time. Someone's looking for a helmet over here...!
Hey Cozmo forget these losers and let’s get a burger
You mean, "forget the knowledgeable people and let's suck each other off"?
I said burgers dude how the hell you gonna take it like that tf?
Yeah, your ass cheeks are the buns and Cozmo's got the meat...!
Edited by Naharke31: 10/26/2017 3:23:02 PMI am convinced part of these forums are homosexual
And what's wrong with that burger boy...?
I would rather have bacon
Bacon, sausage, what's it matter once you're getting fed, right...?
Ya but I ain’t taking cozmos meat on my burger