The Chicken crossed the road because his family was on the other side.
Seeing the dangers ahead, the family of five chickens tried to pass, but unfortunately, the heroin addict mother Chicken was ran over.
She became addicted due to her drunk, abusive husband who had recently lost his job.
The youngest Chicken son started crying out for his mother, and ran towards her, but unfortunately, was ran over as well. This left the father, daughter, and the eldest son.
The eldest son, however, wasn't the father's. The mother Chicken had cheated on him with six black chickens, and became pregnant with one of their children.
Seeing the bloodbath of vehicles and chickens, the Father Chicken decided to slaughter the eldest son due to that fact.
The daughter chicken, completely paralyzed by the events, decided she couldn't take anymore of the horror, so she threw herself onto the road and was eventually ran over. This just left the father Chicken.
Surprisingly, the father Chicken crossed the road without any problems. He gathered up his dead family, took them home, and cooked a nice meal.
Little did you know, the father was very delusional, and had murdered his family at night months prior to the roadkill massacre. But don't tell him that.
Its basically a suicide joke. *The more you know*