originally posted in:Rogue Squadron
The first of many awesomes.
Not so awesome...
Awesome. I love Star Wars, can't wait to see what Disney does with it :3
That's no moon...
Best thing known to mankind.
This was the most popular topic today until Deej posted the beta update. That topic passed the number replies in this topic within 40 min. (40 posts each), and doubled it within six hours (150 to 78 posts).
Click on the "show at your own risk" and get nothing. Mac Chrome browser still having issues with viewing images / blowing up images to see them all big and shiny. also...yay star wars!
Very excited to see where this will be taken!
I don't think many people realize that Star Wars is being co-produced with LucasFilm and after seeing the prequels, I think that maybe it would have been better with just Disney.
I can't wait until they make a new movie because I just started watching the Star Wars movies with my girlfriend and we'll probably go see the new one whenever it releases.
I cannot wait until Disney releases their first Star Wars movie, I know they will make it amazing because of all the experiences, scenes, characters, stories, and dialogue I've seen in their other movies such as Pirates of the Carribean, Tron, Dragonslayer, The Lion King, Toy Story, Holes, Wall-E, The Avengers, Wreck it Ralph, Finding Nemo. Yes a lot of those were kids movies, but you have to admit they know how to tell a story and their co-production with companies have made those awesome superhero movies and other immersive films.
The Virginity is strong in this thread.
Is that photo about the new movie or a new game?
This is indeed awesome. I look forward to more awesome daily.
Red Leader, this is Red 6 reporting for duty... where's my Falcon?
These aren't the jedi you are looking for
And suddenly, everyone was jealous of my Darth Pred5791 cosplay.
Star Wars sucks. /opinion.
Edited by lijeu: 1/16/2013 3:45:06 AMman i just watched episodes 4-6 this weekend too. harmy's version is god's gift to man. time to watch the machete version soon.
Is this your car, Halcylon?
Needs more AT-AT's
Starwars is ok....
I love that everyone spells "rogue" wrong about half the time.
Edited by DeeJ: 1/15/2013 11:47:43 PMI love Star Wars.
Why do they have wings when they're space ships they don't need to be aerodynamic.
John posted Star Wars. No surprises were to be had that day.
Is this a hint that we will have dogfights in Destiny?