I've come to the conclusion that everyone who plays Trials of Osiris are prepubescent children. It's the only thing that explains how they carry on after winning a match. Yes, you beat me 4-1 congrats. You've already been to the lighthouse? Fine, but that still doesn't give you free reign to be a complete tosser about it. Is the teabag really necessary, if you mopped the floor with my team? It really feels like 90% of Trials players are immature children. Surely I can't be the only one frustrated with how poor sports these fireteams are. I'm always courteous, how hard is it to not be antagonistic towards your fellow opponents?
Man..the defensive salt from the teabagging zit faced fart sucking neckbeards is amazing.
I will teabag anything in any game, even adds. I would say most ToO players are just foreign laggers. I typically don't tbag in ToO though unless they are skipping across the screen or tbagged me
Edited by KitsuneSonow: 8/6/2017 5:51:00 PMSomething I have noticed about trials players is that they seem to have the attitude of Halo 3's rank 50's. -Elitism -Poor Sportsmanship -Acting as though their opinion is better than everyone elses when it comes to PVP matters The thing is though, 50's in Halo 3 had a right to brag about about beating their opponents and reveling in it and even acting the way they did sometimes because they were defeating the best of the best in the game and were matched based on skill and not the number of wins like ToO. Best just to ignore them and move on.
Played trials this weekend and most i saw: - stickies - stickies - double stickies - triple warlock double stickies (grenade spam) - Triple sunbreaker double stickies (also grenade spam) So happy stickies don't instakill you in d2! Best match: 4-0 losing got massive t-bag on 4th round. We came back and finished 5-4 started to dragbag (balls dragging big time) they insta left lmao and messaged we were scrubs. i figured not to respond!
If you get salty from a teabag then you should just quit gaming. It's not like they are actually pulling out there sack and dropping them in your mouth, though you might prefer that(to each their own). Go cry to your mom or something not here. [spoiler]Though If Its A Girl Gamer Its Not A Teabag Its A Clam Slam![/spoiler]
The teabag/taco touchdown can be a form of endearment to friends and clanmembers alike also maybe they are just trying to say hello or gg. Don't like getting teabagged don't die.
yep the destiny community is quite cancerous. just try to shrug it off. at least people aren't teabagging you in real life
ToO in Y3 is for lagging underaged illegals who cant afford their own internet so they borrow someone else's. Tbagging has become a negative since those Xbox scrubs switched over to PS4 and decided to take a competitive taunt and make it about bragging. Just wait a few more weeks. Every single one of those Y3 -blam!- who had everything gifted to them along with that 1 trials carry, will have to start all over with no spark of light. No more carries, no more gifts. They will cry and whine like they do when I bang their mommy and disappear. They are irrelevant and anyone who disagrees is probably a Y3 illegal anyway
I quit trials, since I suck at that game. I likely will not play D2 until they bring back 6v6
In fairness I'd wager a fair amount of them are in my shoes, one run yesterday we gifted a genuine lighthouse virgin his first visit by leaving the match at 4-1, but at the same time, after so much time being stuck, getting shottied from orbit, going through each meta, myself avoiding them for the most part, I feel justified in spamming whatever I want considering how many I've helped along the way and how many I've backed out from to give people the win for their first flawless. So hell yeah if I 3 tap a guy that's thrown both sticky nades at me and spammed his sidearm in hopes of a kill,damn right I'm dropping my sack on that guardians head when I destroy him with a primary.
You are clearly taking this way 2 serious my friend. It makes you get mad and tilt for the rest of the game. My advice is learn to deal with it. Its been around for as long as fps is a thing. Just ignore it. The worst thing for a bagger is getting stomped by somebody who just casually walks away after.
All virgin cheaters with 0 skill or life and small weiners.
Youre crying about someone spamming circle or B....... Do you even hear yourself?
Edited by Shirtless_Captain_Kirk: 8/7/2017 5:06:38 PMIdk man sometimes you just lit af and with your friends and you all laughing and bagging. It's not that big of a deal. I'll tell ya, teabagging in Warframe is something else. It's really fun. Anyhow, ahlalala teabagging is even better. That's where you bag and shoot your gun in the air fast af.
Did someone press crouch on your video game body lol its a video game who the hell cares really. Teabag me I teabag you who cares its part of the game is it necessary no but letting it bother you is why people do who cares its no different than dancing or any other emote oh yeah I am 38 years old by the way.
Finally It's about time someone said it
I bagged in control to get under a guys skin it worked he chased me I killed him and round and round we went
I think whining about tbagging is worse than tbagging.
they are children mentally. most, i imagine, are just basement dwelling trolls that have nothing better to do. unless its comic book day, and their parents have a chance to change their sheets.
Destiny's community has gone full autismo
[quote]Is the teabag really necessary, if you mopped the floor with my team?[/quote] Go play battlefield...Dip Dip Potaaato Chip
[quote]I've come to the conclusion that everyone who plays Trials of Osiris are prepubescent children.[/quote] The forum has reached a new lull but it doesn't have to reach a new low. Keep it classy, Guardians.
I understand how you feel about t-bagging my best advice don't let it get to you if you do their taunting is doing the exact thing they want it to do which is to trigger and tilt you into playing worse. Take a deep breath take a drink of your beverage and think about what your team can do to beat their tactics.
I never tea bag....no point
Well, it's the community in a nutshell, not just in that one aspect. Anyway, kind of irrelevant how old they are, a dickheads a dickhead.
I understand how you feel about t-bagging my best advice don't let it get to you if you do their taunting is doing the exact thing they want it to do which is to trigger and tilt you into playing worse. Take a deep breath take a drink of your beverage and think about what your team can do to beat their tactics.