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8/5/2017 3:32:03 PM

Are all Trials of Osiris players just children?

I've come to the conclusion that everyone who plays Trials of Osiris are prepubescent children. It's the only thing that explains how they carry on after winning a match. Yes, you beat me 4-1 congrats. You've already been to the lighthouse? Fine, but that still doesn't give you free reign to be a complete tosser about it. Is the teabag really necessary, if you mopped the floor with my team? It really feels like 90% of Trials players are immature children. Surely I can't be the only one frustrated with how poor sports these fireteams are. I'm always courteous, how hard is it to not be antagonistic towards your fellow opponents?

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  • Edited by Sky: 8/6/2017 2:34:02 AM
    T-bagging is pretty much intended to be a rude action, or insult. Anyone who says or hides behind an excuse is wrong. It is meant to piss you off, and most use it to get in your head and make you angry. Its best to keep that in check and ignore it. When this happens to me, I ignore it until the end of the game, and bag and bag and emote all over them. In trials I have learned that is a douche bags game, all the shitty elitists play it, and then they will continue to play even after they have gone to the lighthouse.. They do this to screw other players over. Its a shitty game mode and I think trials was a mistake. Its also kind of pathetic that "good" players, are mostly assholes.. Just because your a good player, doesnt give you the right to be a douche to someone who may not be as skilled as you. But the term "humility" and "good sportsmanship" doesnt exist to these "entitled" players.

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    • Lmfao who's mans is this?!? Homie getting mad at people bagging him lol get over it, its a game bagging or trashing your opponents does not determine there age. Someone can be 12 and wreck you in pvp and not bag you but a 25yr old sweat will bag tf out of you. Any who i feel like your elo is just horrible so you cry because you get destroyed in pvp and people cant help but t-bag you stick to pve buddy or... Lol wait you're still trying to get to the light house wow its August you need help buddy.

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      • It's what separates the good players from the great players. Great players respect their opponents and don't look down on people who are less skilled. They were once average at the game so they understand you're just trying to improve. Although, to me tea bagging has lost its initial punch. When I was first tea bagged in Halo I got super mad and felt like throwing my controller. Now people tea bag just for the giggles and it really doesn't bother me anymore. It's lost all its value and when I get tea bagged in Destiny or any game I just say "meh" and move on.

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        • After a tbag and a sarcastic message, simply reply. Nice that, I love licking balls, and your tasted salty and good.... Haven't heard anything from them ever again and they didn't do it more the times we meet each other on the battlefield again...

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        • Poor sportsmanship has been around, and will be around, forever. There's no getting around it and there's no changing it. The only thing worth addressing is that by posting and complaining about it, you've shown that they got in your head and won. You just have to brush it off as best as you can and move on. I don't play trials anymore so I don't deal with overly-agressive teabaggers, but I do get in friendly bag-offs with opponents every few games, always initiated by them for whatever reason, that generally end with waves at the end and laughs over how out-of-the-way some people go to get that last bag in before the time is up. Just roll up your sleeves, and move on to the next match. :)

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        • Edited by Foxy: 8/8/2017 9:51:30 AM
          Most are toxic in pvp and teabag give hatemail etc and ability spam stickys are out of control just play with friends and ignore the haters and baggers but the casuals are gone only tryhards are left in D1 sadly. Yes most people are very immature that play this game esp pvp just do your best to avoid them buddy.

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        • Someone needs to fill out a butthurt report and send it in to the IDGAF department.

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          • Be prepared for this 24/7 with Destiny 2. 4v4 = worst idea ever

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            • Edited by FL0W: 8/6/2017 4:06:18 AM
              That's the typical "competitive" crowd. It's not about physical age...but yes, most of them are basically 12year olds in their head. They need stats like K/D and ELO to fight with their ePeen and they always try to be better than everyone else. They only have fun when they win and they rage most of the time about themselves o their teammates when they lose. Some of them play 24/7 to get to the top, others cheat their way through. Have fun in D2 because that crowd will be the only one that will play the D2 PvP a few weeks after the initial release. And you should avoid the "competitive" playlist right from the start.

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              • That sadly is the way most pvp communities end up behaving. There probably are some exceptions but would imagine they're rare. Pvp in general has become very toxic over the years. Used to be that everyone played for fun and would occasionally get a good game/ nice play message. But now it seems like it revolves around making the other player as miserable as possible and ruining their fun.

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                • Who cares lol when trials ends they'll have nothing to do and suck at life like they did before so -blam!- it nobody really cares about kd if I really wanted a good kd I would've payed people to play for me

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                  • Dude they bag because they were bagged over and over again.This simple tool of humiliation forced them to get better. Its the cycle of the tea bag making it a frustrating but amazing motivator.

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                    • People getting mad at people that tebag? Alright.

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                    • ITT: Generalizations, generalizations everywhere.

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                    • I got carried by two 13 year olds. No shame. They were legit killers.

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                    • Yes. or entilted Youtube/streamer Brats.

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                    • It's ok just have your mom stand next to you while you play and tell you that your still a winner when you clearly lose. It's the one is going to pamper you here, go change your huggies and move on.

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                    • I start laughing when I get tbaged, just to know they've taken time to stop and mash that button while potentially hurling explicit mumbo jumbo at their screen is hillarious to say the least. I don't get offended. I think is very funny.

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                    • They are just VERY insecure people that will only have the accomplishments in games to look foreword too... Taking that away from them would destroy their fragile psyches..!

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                    • To show them you don't care and how mature you are you should come on a forum and moan like a little bitch....... oh wait

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                      • It's just a game. It's sad you let them dictate your in game experience. Also, git gud m8.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Edited by kokii007: 8/7/2017 9:29:42 PM
                          If you dont like teabag. You should try it in real life. Trust me you will feel better about it

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                          • i am a12 year old but i am not like the others the rage a lot i dont plus i hate crucible and trials and iron banner im 10000000000000000000000000000% a gun collector or raid guy

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                          • Mate I'm a kid (13) and I don't boast but I also know some adults that would so don't assume they're all kids.

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                          • It's just like trash talking in real life, the ones with the biggest mouths are usually the most scared and insecure. Let your gameplay speak for itself. I consider it disrespectful as hell, but all you can do online is try not to take it personal and move on. Not worth your energy bro. Everyone's a badass behind a keyboard lol

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                            14 Replies
                            • Man..the defensive salt from the teabagging zit faced fart sucking neckbeards is amazing.

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