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8/5/2017 3:32:03 PM

Are all Trials of Osiris players just children?

I've come to the conclusion that everyone who plays Trials of Osiris are prepubescent children. It's the only thing that explains how they carry on after winning a match. Yes, you beat me 4-1 congrats. You've already been to the lighthouse? Fine, but that still doesn't give you free reign to be a complete tosser about it. Is the teabag really necessary, if you mopped the floor with my team? It really feels like 90% of Trials players are immature children. Surely I can't be the only one frustrated with how poor sports these fireteams are. I'm always courteous, how hard is it to not be antagonistic towards your fellow opponents?

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  • I've come to a few realizations recently. 1) people who habitually act like this are just above average players who are raging from a recent stomp 2) 75% of people who play Destiny are douchebags by nature

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    36 Replies
    • Yeah, I suppose I'm what the youngsters call a scrubb. My stats ain't stellar, I'm so so in crucible.. And for the most part I know that I ain't no where close to being good enough to really have a chance at a flawless Trial. That being said, that doesn't excuse elitist little whipper snappers who haven't learned a blasted thing about sportsmanship or simple manners. Now that I drew the ire of the youngsters, I'll pour another glass of scotch and go back to trying to finish up my quest lines.

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      • No. There's a good deal of man child's on there as well. They usually are on twitch and have s cam pointed to their face. Very gay and I'm sure if you ever called one of them out in the street they'd pull out a cardboard replica of a NLB and wormwood that they got at a cosplay function, make a bang sound from their mouth then run away to post on the forums with a Video clip....

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        • So it seems. Only a CHILD would do something CHILDISH like teabagging, for example. But there have been adults who have done it too. I used to be a huge trials player, but stopped awhile back.

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        • Yes they are, but then I 1v1 them and realize their being carried lol

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        • It's the anonymity of the internet. If they acted so disrespectful in real life, they'd likely get knocked out.

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          • Yea, this is why I just stay away most competitive games. Most players are bad losers and even worse winners.

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            • No your just getting annoyed over nothing

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            • It's reactions like yours that I T-bag for. It's a joke, not a dick. Stop taking it so hard.

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                I tbag sticky grenades users in trials along with people who tbag me in trials... But I wait till I win so I get the last laugh.

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              • Edited by Deadsy: 8/7/2017 9:10:15 PM
                29 years old here. As others have said you are taking this way too seriously and letting it get to you. (aka: getting butthurt, see also; catching feelings) Everyone teabags because teabagging has been a thing since forever. Anyone whos played enough hours of any multiplayer fps has come across this and learned to deal with it. I personally dont even notice it anymore because its been around my entire gaming life and its just an accepted part of life. Also how u wait for the end of the games life to bitch abt this is quite ridiculous and almost attention whorish. TL;DR get over it bruh. P.s. Git gud scrub.

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                24 Replies
                • I was playing Iron Banner last week with my Hunter. Killed 3 of the other team with Arcblade then the super ended, I killed a 4th then got put down by someone else. Then they teabagged. I laughed and played on. It's just people having a laugh or trying to get a reaction. Either way, it doesn't bother me.

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                • Psychological warfare. Which is really effective.

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                  • Yeah you never used to see that in Destiny, then Trials came and it started to bleed out into the other crucible game types as well. As per another post I did on this, it is my hope they do not continue Trials in D2, it adds a shitty culture and the trade off isn't worth it.

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                    7 Replies
                    • Edited by iSkeg-: 8/9/2017 11:45:07 AM
                      Im a child and I love trials. OPs post just be right. [spoiler]I didn't read it[/spoiler] [spoiler]I tbag even when I'm losing[/spoiler]

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                    • Think this post has triggered the scrubs.

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                      • Calling trials player children, yet you're reacting like a child.

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                        • Edited by Elitespear: 8/8/2017 10:48:01 PM
                          Dude it's August 2017. Grow some balls and stop getting salty over losing a trials game Do you know why people teabag? It gets reactions like yours.

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                        • People t bag to get under other teams skin it frustrates you dosnt it ? Makes other players even play worse from the tilt right ? Exactly

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                        • sooo looking at your post and replies to comments.. you take this game too seriously and whine about a video game character putting their imaginary nuts on your face.. and anyone who disagrees with you is proving your point and is an "arsehole" gg

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                        • Edited by theARC: 8/8/2017 9:55:27 PM
                          Tbaggers frustrate me too. I only tbag friends because they just shake it off. Sometimes though we take it too seriously. In halo the tbag was nothing serious. It was more of a joke than an insult.

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                        • If they can't gloat about dominating another stranger in a video game, then how else are they supposed to feel any kind of accomplishment for spending too much time playing this game?

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                          3 Replies
                          • Don't worry about it trials will be over soon then the little basement dwellers will have to go outside

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                            Yes, for a lot of people their trials ELO/stats actually make them feel worth something, people even make new PSNs like "iEyasluna" or "StormLock" it's pretty cringey stuff lol. If I lost to them I expect the bags followed by the obligatory "thanks for the ELO scrub" or "GG" message. That's just Trials though I try to avoid it although I'll hit it this weekend and if I see any virgin carries I'll let them win.

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                          • Edited by Forgotten: 8/6/2017 2:43:45 PM
                            Truth is that most top ranked Destiny Players are just washed up halo and call of duty pros that didn't make it. [spoiler]Wonder who i'll trigger today[/spoiler] - Zesty

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                            • Edited by Sky: 8/6/2017 2:34:02 AM
                              T-bagging is pretty much intended to be a rude action, or insult. Anyone who says or hides behind an excuse is wrong. It is meant to piss you off, and most use it to get in your head and make you angry. Its best to keep that in check and ignore it. When this happens to me, I ignore it until the end of the game, and bag and bag and emote all over them. In trials I have learned that is a douche bags game, all the shitty elitists play it, and then they will continue to play even after they have gone to the lighthouse.. They do this to screw other players over. Its a shitty game mode and I think trials was a mistake. Its also kind of pathetic that "good" players, are mostly assholes.. Just because your a good player, doesnt give you the right to be a douche to someone who may not be as skilled as you. But the term "humility" and "good sportsmanship" doesnt exist to these "entitled" players.

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