Actually from what I have seen of the game, it's looking more and more like a massive downgrade over what we had with Destiny 1 lol
It wouldn't surprise me to see people cancelling their order.....
You've played one story mission and one strike and you can base your opinion comparing it to a game that's been out for three years.. Amazing. Lol do everyone a favor and cancel your pre-order and don't buy or play the game at all.
And the one strike and story mission, with pvp in D2, was worse than D1.... Nothing was bigger, bolder, and more awe inspiring, it was all muted and shallow, with remembrances of what's been removed or nerfed from D1.
This is bait? Like I can't tell anymore. If not please don't buy it and maybe staying off the forums is best seeing as the new direction the game is going doesn't suit your every need bye.
No, I get that some people will prefer a more simple, dumbed-down version of the game, fewer choices and variations in gear and weapons, limited 4v4 pvp and weapon loadouts, with less "space magic" and fun in general. COD players for example..... Not me though.....
You just sound like such a nerd man. There will never be a video game ever made to directly please your every need. No matter how much you complain on your keyboard..
You're hilarious bro. Scrolling down, see you your name attached to every comment defending every remark. They have the right to communicate the negatives they see. Why dont you follow your own advice and take your toxic cry baby ass on somewhere. Hurrr durrr they don't like the game as much as me.
That's right attack the person, ignore their viewpoints.... Great counter argument, damn fanboys, bungie takes a dump on their head and they still pretend they can't smell anything lol Any sequel should be better than the first iteration, that's the LEAST, you can hope for, that clearly isn't going to happen with Destiny.....
"From what you've seen" being the key words. How can you complain about a game that you havent played and experienced first hand?
Actually, I've seen while I played, jumped on a friends account, was underwhelmed..... Try playing without seeing, it's not easy.... Well done for jumping to the wrong conclusion though! lol
Yeah "from what you've seen". Sounds like a little bit of jumping to conclusions. Especially considering we only had access to about 5% of the game, if that.
However, we've already seen: Melee nerfed, grenades nerfed, movement nerfed, charge times nerfed, ttk nerfed, weapon perks nerfed, subclasses nerfed, weapon loadouts nerfed, pvp game sizes nerfed and more...
You are talking about it as if nerfing would always be negative...
Well, in the context that more or less everything in D2 is a far weaker shadow of its former self from D1, it is very much negative lol