here I show you why in a single game that this nerf was not a smart thing to do and how it has taken over the fun in destiny now all it is is stickys and sidearms and I still think snipers shouldn't be in the heavy slot or "power weapons" if they are why are shottys getting returned to their year one values but snipers aren't not being able to just enjoy sniping like I used to in destiny makes it way more boring.
All I see, is a Guardian unfamiliar with a primary. The first clip was your own fault. You were not watching the radar, when you should have been. I do not know what was going on with the second clip. You pick up special heading towards B, then it cuts and you are heading away from B, back to where you came from. The final clip is a gimme. Even before the special nerf, I would often snipe over towards that special box.