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Edited by Chastice: 5/19/2017 3:54:01 PM

One new raid in Destiny 2...

Really? I certainly hope that I misunderstood. If I didn't... absolutely ridiculous. Fool me once... Edit: Sorry to the fanboys, but I don't believe one raid at launch is enough. This is their triple A, blockbuster follow up to what was supposed to be a game that could share a shelf with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (their words). Only one, solitary raid seems disappointing. But hey, if you where happy repeating VoG for the one hundredth time... Final edit: I'm surprised that more people aren't let down by this. It appears that a good many here on the forums are "ready and rarin'" to grind the hell out of a single raid again. Whatever floats your particular boat, I guess. Perhaps I should have complained about the game being 30 fps on consoles or the 4v4 multiplayer?

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  • I agree. There needs to be more than 1 raid at launch. I hope that they make them harder this time. The people that play the raid want more. ESO online and WOW have complicated raids that make you want more. Their raids make you want to play more to work together to beat it. Also, the armor loot from raids in destiny 1 were crap!!. Please make them more viable and the best you can get in the game

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    • Why every game that has raids the community focuses on one at a time.

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    • I just posted up something about the 30 fps issue, and its a valid one. And yes your right this game looks disappointing across all fronts, it might be worth it if they were charging 40 bucks but they want top dollar for this rehash, yes its a rehash. Good luck Bungie.

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    • [quote]I'm surprised that more people aren't let down by this. [/quote] Why would people be let down by this? Serious question. They've set the expectation with every prior release of the game that one release, new or dlc, equals one raid. They'd be going above and beyond expectations by releasing more raids. I'm not saying they shouldn't do that, I just wouldn't have expected it given the past trends. I also think they should focus more on more on tighter raid experiences than what we've had in the past. More difficulty versions with more variations and more incentives to run different versions, better balance, more interesting mechanics, and instead of putting out two raids, why not one raid but twice the size/encounters?

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    • Ummmmmm isn't 1 new raid per release?

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    • They can't possibly put more than one raid when the game just comes out...they'll surely release more as time goes on.

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      • Edited by TheShadow: 5/21/2017 7:24:15 PM
        They are pulling a D1 all over again. Bungie literally has no content to add to this game so they will add 2 little expansions and just like Ttk and ROI they will use Microtansaction timed events to fill in that void of missing content after D2 is released. This is what you get when a company tries to cram a game in 2 years because of a dead line. Knowing it took 6+ years just to get vanilla and 2 expansion. Good luck on D2 with all that "said content "

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        2 Replies
        • [quote]Sorry to the fanboys, but I don't believe one raid at launch is enough.[/quote] Virtue signaling: bnet edition. Anyone who disagrees is inherently a fanboy.

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          • Destiny had one raid at launch as well. Not sure what you problem is here...

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by TheArtist: 5/21/2017 3:26:05 PM
              What Crota's End taught me? I'd rather have ONE really good raid every 6 months to a year..... ...than a raid every three months that's a buggy, glitch-ridden mess that you can cheese your way through most of. More, isn't always better. Sometimes its just more...problems.

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              23 Replies
              • Those of us with a brain and a sense of value for our green will not buy it.

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                7 Replies
                • Scrublord The raids are meant to drop end loot material So you want 2 different end loots or 2 of the same That would give you 6 chances of end loot which is not gonna happen No scrubbo you will see the following pattern Dlc Raid Hard mode Event Major event Repeat Where d1 was broken was events and major events were spread too far

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                  • There was only one to start vanilla, which didn't really bother me since I had 3 toons to get to level 30 and by the time I did Crota was on the horizon. So I don't think its too big of a deal, while at least 1 more would have been nice, its not the end of the world.

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                    4 Replies
                    • The first dlc drops like 1-2 months after, you'll be busy enough with campaign and quest. So another raid will be added soon after the first. I'm fine with that

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                    • Edited by PetrosMegalos: 5/20/2017 10:54:50 PM
                      It'd be really cool if they did one raid to maybe take back the city, and then another later on to kill Ghaul. Just out of curiosity, what's everyone's problem with 4v4?

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                      3 Replies
                      • This shouldn't be a problem for responsible people. If you don't attend a school, go outside often, or have a job, then yeah, wait three months until a new one arrives.

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                      • Personally, I prefer having one raid to focus on at a time and then adding more and more. The real question, as always, is how long we we have to wait between raids, and will each new raid make the last raid completely irrelevant. I'm also much more curious to know how many strikes there will be at launch. They showed one, and presumably the Destiny 1 raids won't be around.

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                      • LOL complaining we only get 1 raid at launch? SERIOUSLY???? Ok i challenge you to log in to Destiny now, Delete you characters and make a new one, play the few story missions to unlock space travel and go to the Moon and attempt to play Crotas End........... Totally under geared and under leveled and when the Thrall kill you with a single can realize why nobody will be attepting the new raid on Destiny 2 at launch because EVERYBODY will have to level up, grind for gear and weapons before the game will even let you attempt a raid. By the time enough people have the required character level AND light level to play the Raid the 1st DLC will be close and will have a light level increase and a new raid included

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                        3 Replies
                        • But what if it's the biggest, baddest Raid Bungie has ever even contemplated making, and it turns out to be amazing? What if they only need one Raid for Destiny 2? What if it's the Raid to end all Raids?

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                          2 Replies
                          • I was hoping for two, maybe even three, raids at launch.

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                            • Edited by Seraph: 5/20/2017 7:48:48 PM
                              This should not surprise anyone. Vanilla Destiny launched with 1 Raid. And with the exception of [b]The Dark Below[/b] which gave us [b]Crota's End[/b], Bungie only added additional Raids during the annual expansions. There is supposed to be more to the Destiny experience than just Raids. Raids are supposed to be the big climax to the theme of each Destiny expansion ( Atheon - Vanilla Destiny. Crota - The Dark Below. Oryx - The Taken King. Aksis - Rise of Iron. ) like writing the words [b][i][u]THE END[/u][/i][/b] at the end of a novel. You wouldn't write [b][i][u]THE END[/u][/i][/b] at the end of novel than follow up with more story, would you. Wait until the next expansion. Hopefully Bungie will have another Raid for you. And just because Destiny 2 is only shipping with 1 Raid doesn't mean there won't be other forms of end game content available.

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                              • Wow dude....What'd you think you get 7 raids with the base game? There are dlcs.

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                                • How many raids were you expecting... -_-

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                                  • Maybe it'll be really big? Hopefully?

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                                    • Just play something else.

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                                      • How much you wanna bet you still buy the game?

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