It doesn't matter if it's as simple as a souffle, a sundae, or a sandwich. Everyone has something they like to make. Tell me your recipes.
A cooking thread! Yes! Everything. There is nothing I do not want to make or taste. But my favorite thing I like to make might still just be Creme Brûlee. Desserts are really one of my favorite dishes to make just because so much other stuff with it, wether it be chocolate or fruits. As a main dish I'd say Nasi Goreng is one of my favorite dishes to make because of its ease and that you can make it quickly without spending too much time on it. The dish I usually spend the most time on is a personalized a piece of baked sea bass on a quenelle of risotto made in fish stock. Add some juillene of braised leek, roasted honey tomato and lobster sauce. One of the most tasteful and colorful dishes I made yet.